Is there a plug-in to access the Nest Thermostat via Z Wave / Vera 2?

I had a Nest thermostat before I began building my home automation system (actually Nest inspired me). Unfortunately, Nest only communicates with the Cloud.

Has anyone created a plug-in to integrate monitoring and maybe adjusting the Nest with Vera? That would be very cool!


Not yet I’m afraid. There is no “officially published” API yet, so if anyone was to do this with a reverse engineered HTTP solution (I believe they ma exist for other platforms), there is a big risk it could be shutdown or broken in the future.

[quote=“chuck1026, post:1, topic:171527”]I had a Nest thermostat before I began building my home automation system (actually Nest inspired me). Unfortunately, Nest only communicates with the Cloud.

Has anyone created a plug-in to integrate monitoring and maybe adjusting the Nest with Vera? That would be very cool!


Also discussed in this thread.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ll follow the other established thread from earlier this month.