Is There a new Firmware Release

Hi All,

Does anyone know when there might be a new UI / firmware update for Vera? if I am not mistaken I think I read somewhere there would be one shortly…

Wondering what/ if any upgrades are planned? some of the processes have been simplified? if Vera is going more mainstream/ into retail…

Food for thought…

No one knows. There are other discussions about this. MCV said sometime in the first Quarter of 2014.

  • Garrett

Oh man. Change the title of this thread. You got me all excited, only to have my hopes dashed.


[quote=“Z-Waver, post:3, topic:178105”]Oh man. Change the title of this thread. You got me all excited, only to have my hopes dashed.


LOL- sorry ::slight_smile: - consider it done! Would still love to know if anyone has any thoughts on what they might update/change if there marketing is now focused on more mainstream/ retail sales…

Do people usually do the FW updates? I had one waiting on mine the other night (hadn’t been into it in a while) but chickened out. I don’t really have any problems with it now, and I’m a big fan of the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mantra.

Again no one knows. We are all in the dark even the beta testers. Only MCV can answer this and that is asking a whole lot.

  • Garrett