Is it safe? (UI7)

Hi All,

I’ve been wondering something.
About a year ago I upgraded (I cant remember if it was UI6 or 7, saw alot of white) and it was a disaster.
Nothing worked, I had to end up rolling my LITE back to UI5 and have remained on it ever since.

I’ve been terrified to do any software updates for fear that it will botch the works again, there are features in UI7 I would like to implement and was wondering??
IS IT SAFE? :slight_smile:

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Ui7 very buggy, upgrade not safe

UI7 is actually degrading. Having more and more issues as new versions are coming out… So I would not recommend it anymore.

I have been better then ever, but it depends on what devices you have. Like other have mentioned some recent updates actually broke certain devices like mini-mote and some other remotes. I don’t have any of these so of course I’m not affected. Anyone that is effected should just go back to the last update until a fix is made.

So depending on your devices and what your going to gain going to ui7 you need to weight it out.

[quote=“integlikewhoa, post:4, topic:187324”]I have been better then ever, but it depends on what devices you have. Like other have mentioned some recent updates actually broke certain devices like mini-mote and some other remotes. I don’t have any of these so of course I’m not affected. Anyone that is effected should just go back to the last update until a fix is made.

So depending on your devices and what your going to gain going to ui7 you need to weight it out.[/quote]

You are lucky or maybe I am unlucky. There is a long list of devices which goes beyond the minimote which this latest version (and the previous one) broke. The scene and device user association is broken. The monoprice motion sensor, the leviton scene controller setups to only cite a few. Others have reported more.

As safe as playing Russian roulete with a loaded single barrel shotgun :wink:
UI 5 = Vera OS v1.0
UI 7 = Vera OS v0.3

… And Who says that people can’t travel back in time :stuck_out_tongue: