Is it Safe? (UI Upgrade)

Hi All,

I’ve been wondering something.
About 2 years ago I upgraded (I cant remember if it was UI6 or 7, saw alot of white) and it was a disaster.
Nothing worked, I had to end up rolling my LITE back to UI5 and have remained on it ever since.

I’ve been terrified to do any software updates for fear that it will botch the works again, there are features in UI7 I would like to implement and was wondering??
IS IT SAFE? :slight_smile:

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


[quote=“woofguy, post:1, topic:191017”]Hi All,

I’ve been wondering something.
About 2 years ago I upgraded (I cant remember if it was UI6 or 7, saw alot of white) and it was a disaster.
Nothing worked, I had to end up rolling my LITE back to UI5 and have remained on it ever since.

I’ve been terrified to do any software updates for fear that it will botch the works again, there are features in UI7 I would like to implement and was wondering??
IS IT SAFE? :slight_smile:

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Depends on who you ask. I have been on ui7 for 1.5 years and haven’t had any more problems then ui5 which at the time had the same complaints ui7 has now. Ui5 complaints have diminished as nothing has changed or upgraded for years now.

I’m gonna say that when you first mover over your going to have issues for the first month. After a month you’ll probley calm down and find where everything is and understand it a bit better. But it’s usually a shock at first and many people give up without learning anything and revert back to ui5 in the matter of 1-3 days. I think in 3 days the burn from starting over and learning new things is still there.

Can anyone say if this (ui7 works with the ha bridge and alexa?)

It does indeed :slight_smile:

How about upgrading vera 3 to ui7? Do the dsc alarm and onkyo plugins work now?

For me, it’s unsafe.

I’ve done everything I could to clean my luup codes, to make it proper and faster.
Every 6 minutes, there is an automatic save (a normal routine from MCV) but with UI7 there is a risk to crash the luup engine : your scheduled luup will no run anymore. Just because of a randomly done encoding/decoding routine. This is a shame…

My UI5 Vera 3 died, I was enjoyed to buy a Vera Plus under UI7 to get a modern firmware. This is an epic fail.

If your Vera 3 is fully working, don’t change anything until MCV publish fully functionnal corrections… My 2 cents.

I have a Vera 3 and I find 7 to be much easier for me to use than 5. I do not use LUA or PLEG, just 7 to control everything. Eventually, as I add more stuff, I may have to switch to PLEG, but for now, it meets my needs: 2 door sensors, 1 motion sensor, 3 light switches, thermostat, 2 iPhones, and garage door opener.