Is it possible to get TTS in swedish?
If How do i do?
I saw that reponosivevoice have swedish on their website.
Is it possible to get TTS in swedish?
If How do i do?
I saw that reponosivevoice have swedish on their website.
hmm realized it was just to write sv … GReit!
How does it handle å,ä,ö? I have had problems with that in my installation with Mac2Speech.
Tested but it seems not to work with åäö… it will not talk then
Yes, I have seen this myself.
I have a TTS engine on my computer (with Mac2Speech) that is always on and “å,ä,ö,” works fine when directed directally to this engine. When it sends as a string from Vera it seems that these are not sent correctly and is corrupting the response. Very annoying to avoid these letters in the Swedish language
Swedish (with å, ä, ö) works just fine for me, since I installed version 1.5. Just follow the steps!
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