Is it possible to connect GMail to Vera?


Is there any way to connect GMail to Vera? I’d like to make my RGB light bulb blink different colors when email arrives. How do I go about getting GMail and Vera to talk to each other - if it’s even possible?



I don’t think there is a direct way. But there may be a roundabout one if you have an Android device. You could use the Tasker and autovera plugins. Use eg tasker to check for mail and if any has arrived, then autovera can let Vera know to blink your RGB light.

Unless you are able of course to write some script/program on a device (unix, windows, mac, android box) to poll for gmail and if it arrives put an http call to Vera to switch on your RGB light.

Thanks for the ideas. Just wanted to make sure somebody else hadn’t already invented the wheel here. :slight_smile:

What about tying it in with IFTTT somehow? New mail arrives, have IFTTT trigger the change you want.