Is a programming device required for Leviton controllers?

After trying everything I could think of to get my zone controllers working, and a week of sad and infrequent emails from MCV tech support, they finally called me today to try to get the controllers working (two Leviton VRCZ4 units), but were not successful. The on/off switches work fine, but dimmer switches can’t be controlled at all. So MCV tech support tells me that Leviton zone controllers are not compatible with Vera.

Given that many of you out there are using these controllers, I call Leviton to find out if this is true. Their response is that they know nothing about Vera, but that their USB stick or handheld programmer is required to get the zone controllers working.

Before I invest more money in what has been a frustrating and fruitless quest thus far, I wanted to find out if either the USB stick or handheld programmer has been effective for others out there. Will I be creating more of a mess with my Vera unit if I purchase one of these and attempt to use that to program the controllers, or is this what everyone is using to program the controllers? I had been under the impression that Vera was able to set the associations and programming, but it doesn’t look like that’s the case. How do you get the zone controllers working with dimmers (on/off functionality for them only)?

You do not need the Leviton programmer (VRCPG) or their USB stick to use the Leviton gear with Vera.sup[/sup]

I actually installed an(other) VRCZ4-M0 yesterday without issue. I know you’re having a hard time with getting yours to work properly. ‘Something’ must be a different in your setup. I’m surprised MCV Tech Support wasn’t able to sort it.

sup[/sup] One exception: AFAIK, the VRCZ1 currently doesn’t work for anything other than toggling on/off. This is (in part) a device limitation. You can use (e.g.) a VRCPG to make dimming work.


From your other post, I now get the impression you may not have been able to set up a scene for your VRCZ4? This is essential.

  • Assuming the VRCZ4 is already included and a [tt]Configure node right now[/tt] from the [tt]Settings[/tt] tab of the device is successful.

  • Also remove any manual associations (groups).

  • Click the [tt]Automation[/tt] tab.

  • Click the [tt]New scene[/tt] sub-tab.

  • Give the scene a name.

  • Select the on/off/dim levels for the devices you want to control with a button on the VRCZ4.

  • Click the [tt]Triggers[/tt] tab.

  • Click the [tt]Add trigger[/tt] button.

  • Select the VRCZ4 from the [tt]Device:[/tt] drop-down list.

  • Select [tt]A scene is activated[/tt] as the event in the [tt]What type of event is the trigger?:[/tt] field.

  • Give the event a name.

  • Put the button number (1, 2, 3, or 4, top to bottom on the VRCZ4) in the [tt]Which scene number[/tt] field.

  • Click the green [tt]Confirm changes[/tt] button.

  • Click the red [tt]Save[/tt] button.

  • Click the [tt]Continue[/tt] button.

  • Wait for the reload to complete.

Vera should now be configuring the VRCZ4 and the selected devices with the new scene (essentially setting up the associations you had configured manually, plus scene information).

A push on the On side of the selected button should yield the scene as programmed.
A push on the Off side of the selected button should turn the devices off.

Hi, thank you for a nicely detailed message. The problem that I am having is that I can’t get my vera-lite to “configure” the controller at all. From various readings I am starting to wonder if the device wants to be a controller (or sub controller is that is the correct term.)

Thanks again for the great post, hopefully someone can shed some light on how to get the silly thing configured!

PS: It is a Vizia rf +3 vrcs4

Try to exclude it. I remember it was tricky as you needed to initiate the include/exclude process on the device first BEFORE initiating on the vera. I also remember having to leave the vera near the controller for a few minutes after including with low power. I bet that is your solution
Do as follows
Reset the controller first to be safe
Hold 1&3 for 10 seconds (will flash amber then red) release buttons. Controller should be reset.

Bring vera within a couple feet
Press and hold button 1 and 3
After controller is flashing amber let go.
Go to vera and place in exclude mode.
After exclusion hold button 1&3
Controller should be flashing amber again
Go to low power include.
Should find device and add… wait another 5 minutes before moving vera.

Hope that helps!

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

Assuming you mean it won’t even include into Vera’s network / show up on the Dashboard, then it may be it is still included in another network / something went wrong upon trying, whatever. Give @big517’s instructions a shot. The device should up show as a scene controller. You should then be able to set up scenes.

I am having trouble with the same controller.

I had configured the scenes to trigger from the device settings tab for the controller. Is this not the correct way to configure the controller? It sure is easier than the above instructions.

@big517 & oTi@

Ok I have excluded and re-included it.

oTi@, When I say configure, I mean “Configure Node Right Now” under the settings tab. Not sure why I want to do this, but I conclude that if it can configure then I know Vera is talking to it.

If I attempt to assign a key to a trigger, the key blinks red when pushed - I don’t know if that means its “sending” or there is an error.

Some others have indicated that Leviton might not be the way to go. I must say I am starting to agree with them, but not sure what is a more compliant alternative.

I will keep hacking with it, hopefully I can find some way to make it work, if successful I will be happy to post!


Hi, ok using your steps indeed does get vera to see it. But I was able to get that before.

Here is my current issue. How to duplicate (in brief)

Go to devices tab
Click wrench on _SceneControl (renamed SC_1)
Click settings
Click configure node right now button
Vera responds Command for configuring node sent
SC_1 responds “getting the name…”
And finally fails with
“Unable to get any information on this node”

Hope this gives you more info.


It seems that your VRCS4 did not get included properly. Did it show a red LED any time during the inclusion? Consequently, the controller was never configured properly. Subsequent attempts to configure it also failed. Without it configured, your scene configuration never went through, and so the controller blinked red when you pushed the button. Try excluding/including it again. Are Vera and the controller far apart?


See the post over here.