iPhone locator reverting back to v1.41 by itself

Hey guys. since the latest fix in v. 1.42 my app has reverted back to 1.41 by itself a couple of times now. Locator stops working then I check the app version and its back at 1.41. Has this happened to anyone else?

I have unchecked the “Auto Update” option just in case thats causing this some how.


Current version for UI7 is 2.42. Are you on UI5?

Im on UI7 and have updated to the current version 1.42 but it keeps revering back to 1.41 every few weeks or so for some reason.

Not sure about 1.42. My setup indicates 2.42 is the current version. You can try uninstalling and reinstalling.

yes latest official version is 2.42 and the autoupdate feature of VERA should install this one
I am creating a v2.43 ( just internal change to reduce some log verbosity ) which can be installed directly by opening this url ( and ignoring all error messages)


Sorry, I meant 2.42 not 1.42. I notice that it keeps reverting back to 2.41 for some reason. It’s happened twice now so I’ve unchecked the auto update box and it’s stuck with 2.42 for now. Strange how it went back to 2.41 though. Didn’t restore or reset anything at all.

I have auto update enabled and I noticed I am on 2.43. The last couple of days I have notice peppier updates on Vera from our phones. It could be related to iCloud.

For instance, I have a scene that pings both phones immediately when the garage door is opened. The intent is to see if we are home to set the House Mode to Home. The scene also pings the phones every minute for 5 minutes, in case we are leaving to set the House Mode to Away. Many times one comes home, enters the house, and it may be 2 minutes before the house mode changes. In the mean time, we get alerts of garage motion, garage man door opened, dining room motion, living room motion, etc., until updated and House Mode changed to Home. The last few days, we have been getting notifications of one of us being home shortly after the garage door is opened - which is what I would expect most of the time if iCloud is updating location in a timely fashion.

[quote=“Don Phillips, post:7, topic:196019”]I have auto update enabled and I noticed I am on 2.43. The last couple of days I have notice peppier updates on Vera from our phones. It could be related to iCloud.

For instance, I have a scene that pings both phones immediately when the garage door is opened. The intent is to see if we are home to set the House Mode to Home. The scene also pings the phones every minute for 5 minutes, in case we are leaving to set the House Mode to Away. Many times one comes home, enters the house, and it may be 2 minutes before the house mode changes. In the mean time, we get alerts of garage motion, garage man door opened, dining room motion, living room motion, etc., until updated and House Mode changed to Home. The last few days, we have been getting notifications of one of us being home shortly after the garage door is opened - which is what I would expect most of the time if iCloud is updating location in a timely fashion.[/quote]
2.43 is the latest approved on the store
Yes iCloud is not always timely … you may try increasing polling rates when you are in a wider perimeter and in approaching mode ( iconcode value )

I keep my polling rate at 300 sec and have not enabled dynamic polling to help preserve batteries. We have 2.5 year old iPhone 6’s and the batteries have been acting inconsistently since about October. We are limping along until the 7S is released. In the meantime, we poll when the garage door opens, and every 300 s.