IP address is set to vera-us-oem-relay11.mios.com ?

Sometimes the IP-adress is set to “vera-us-oem-relay11.mios.com” and sometimes it set to my real local IP address.
It feels like the Vera Concierge is very slow to respond sometimes, I wonder if this is caused by the “not local IP address”?
Can I manually set the local IP address?

RTS covered the reason why this happens in this thread:


I asked there if there was a way to force the local IP to stick. I am having a moderate amount of success by having the computer reboot once a day.

This can happen if your Vera is down for a considerable amount of time.

“Update and Restart”

If I click on ‘Update and Restart’, all my Vera info gets ‘wiped out’, and eventually it comes back, but with ‘vera-us-oem-relay11.mios.com *’ (what’s the asterisk for?)., and a 'There was a problem! Can’t Connected to you Vera!

A couple of spelling nits… Discoverd Devices should be Discovered Devices.

And one of the error messages says ‘Can’t Connected to you Vera!’, and it might better read ‘Can’t connect to your Vera!’

Thanks again for this!
