Integration with The Energy Detective?

Hi everyone,

Are there any plans to integrate with The Energy Detective (TED) ? This seems like a natural extension, since TED has a USB interface and shows actual energy usage, not just values calculated from numbers that users need to enter (and won’t include things like refrigerators or washing machines) currently with Vera.

Personally, I would like to keep the TED hooked up to my WHS server (so much for all the power savings with Vera…) and be able to use TED’s web service to grab the usage data, but I think the real story for power savings would be having it hooked up via the Vera USB port. TED has an API, but you’ll need to sign an agreement (which mostly just limits their liability, not much else. I never ended up signing it) to get the details.

The other thing with TED is that you need to get it installed at your circuit breaker, which equals either a geek or the requirement for professional installation (though it’s quick for a pro, so not too expensive. The hassle is the bigger problem).

To fend off the “Vera is an open platform” response, I’ll need to state I’m more of a .NET developer than Linux, so I won’t be tackling this myself. However, I think I’ll look into Vera support for my home automation speech control and scripting application project once I receive my unit.

//Tomi B.

Are there any plans to integrate with The Energy Detective (TED) ?

There were, definitely. We have a TED in our lab. There were 2 obstacles. 1) TED gave us the API. But only the API to talk to the Windows app, not to talk to TED directly on the USB. They said they would not release the USB API, only the Windows API. We figured having a solution that requires running a Windows PC to monitor TED’s usage was contrary to our mission. 2) It was a lot of work to get the TED to report the energy accurately. We had to remove the face to the electric panel to get at the main incoming wires. And I think a normal user would be scared to do that. And, the power line data transmission from the panel to the TED didn’t work. We had to run an electric cord off the main panel, leaving the panel permanently open with all the incoming main lines exposed.

So we’re working on integration with something to read the actual usage from smart power meters. this will be zero-config and effortless for the user. But, very few utility companies are installing smart, monitoring power meters, so few users, at least in the U.S., will benefit from it.

Would love to have this add-on working. Would help my family understand energy usage.

There is a TED python module which talks directly to the box.
Seem like this would be an easy way to interface to it.

Another article that describes how to interface TED to a Linksys router.

uses microperl

I wrote a collectd plugin for TED. Anyone game to help integrated it in to vera?

You should put a mantis on and attach your code.

The TED interface has been added to the latest release of CollectD. I have compiled it into OpenWRT and seems to work fine. Now we just need to add a GUI for Vera.

note that with our new Luup plugin engine a TED interface is one of the things we’re offering cash bounties for.

Personally, I’m holding out for the TED 5000 series to become available:

Meanwhile, I admit that the straightforward design and implementation of Black and Decker’s Power Monitor EM100B is quite appealing:

However, it’s an open question of which unit Vera would/could interoperate with more easily.

Does the B&D have an output port? I didn’t see a way to get the data out from the device. Ted has a serial port, while the new one has a network port.

I was thinking along the lines that someone could figure out how to “hack” the B&D unit, or Vera could learn how to intercept the wireless signal being sent to its remote. (Probably a long shot…)

I definitely prefer the TED concept overall, except for the price!

We just got the TED 5000 and are working on support for it ASAP. I think in the end, with Vera, you won’t need the TED 5000 display, so there might be a way to get just the black box back-end fairly inexpensively.

The backend without the display is 199 and is called the “G” package. This package is designed for use with the bundled footprints software or a 3rd party app (like vera).

The “C” package is everything in the “G” package and has the display bundled with it. It is 239. So, overall, the display doesn’t cost too much.

I ordered the “G” package without the display this week, should be here in a few days. Looking forward to using the vera integration when it is available.

My only concern about the $200 price point for a small black box with a couple of wires attached to it is … my utility bills are always so reasonable that it will take a LONG time to catch back the cost of investments in equipment! Vera…modules…TED…time…

In my case, we’re talking years! I think I will wait for the TED “G” package to drop closer to $100 (or find one on the used market) before I dive in.

Meanwhile, B0SST0N, let us all know how things work out with your TED unit!

In my case my electric bills range anywhere from 250-350/month, I am eagerly looking forward to WHY. :slight_smile:

I’ll keep you posted…

didn’t think the 5000 was out yet? their website still shows it as “coming soon”. Where did you order from?

call the company, they get small shipments of the 5000 in every once in awhile, just not enough to put it as available on the website… but you can order one and it will ship out fairly soon if you just call

Looks like Google just announced a partnership allowing TED users to upload data to their PowerMeter service. These might just sell out a bit more quickly now:

Mine has been working great for a few weeks now. Couple of software bugs here and there. Couple of communications problems over the powerline. But I think I have it working fairly well now… nice product.