Integrating existing wired alarm sensors/actuators into VERA system

Looking to connect the existing wired alarm sensors in my home (motion, smoke, doors) and actuators (sound, light) to my VERA 3, soon to be delivered.
Anybody having experience with digital I/O modules and connecting alarm sensors to VERA ?
I suspect the hardware is probably some digital I/O module that connects to the Ethernet port of even a USB.
Software is probably defining the I/O events in VERA.

Tried to do some searching on Internet but not very succesful so far.

On beforehand thanks !

A very similar topic just opened:,8581.0.html

… Or just pickup one of the supported Alarm systems, wire them into that, and use the respective plugin to get the integration with Vera.

Thank you all.

The last suggestion by Guessed may proof to be a good one.
Only critical point is the ability to read the motion sensors which are wired to provide an analog 4 state input (open circuit, short circuit, safe, alarm).



Any recommendation for the best of the “supported” Alarm systems?

This post is probably still appropriate when considering the selection:,8008.msg51469.html#msg51469

There are probably a few extra feature/function considerations, but it probably still holds for those in the US.