install openluup-now what?

I’m back in town with my new SBC so I can get openluup up and running.

Odroid XU-4, emmc 32gb, Ubuntu Linux 15.10 Wily (Fresh and new-nothing added but the extended partition)
Vera 3 UI5
Win 7 PC

I want to dedicate this SBC to my HA including running Kodi
I want to also use DataMine, Datayours, PLEG and CIFS data to the SBC

My first attempt with openLuup on my old RP model B V2 didn’t goo too well which is why I got the XU-4 and plenty of memory/power
(Thanks to CudaNet for working with me before attempting to get my RP up)

I am a newbi to Linux, SBC’s so sorry for that.

So can you guys point me to your latest setup/install info to get me off the ground?


I know @CudaNet has a sophisticated install guide, but actually it would be very good for you to simply follow the basic user guide that comes with openLuup and see where you get stuck. Perhaps just start with a read-through and see what doesn’t seem to make sense? You’d have to be prepared to start all over again with the more gentle guidance of others, but to see if you can get the basics going on your own is, perhaps, a good learning exercise.

Or maybe you just want to wait for that more detailed help.

Thanks akbooer

After my last experience with my Pi. I think I will wait for a specific install guide that pertains to our application of openLuup within the Vera world. Do you have any idea when you would put one together?

AFAIK, all you need to do is install the basic Lua system and libraries:

# apt-get install lua5.1
 # apt-get install lua-socket
# apt-get install lua-filesystem 
# apt-get install lua-sec

Using the latest openLuup from the GitHub development branch, you don’t, now, have to worry about doing anything with an HTTP server, making the whole thing much simpler.

...pertains to our application of openLuup within the Vera world

Can you be more specific? Or did you just mean running that list of plugins you posted previously?

What I mean is to basically offload my Vera 3 and have it working as a zWave controller only. Like everyone, my Vera is not stable anymore and I had to remove several things I really want to use. Datamine, Datayours, Sys info with cifs data mount. All that worked fine in my Vera until several months ago whereby my Vera keeps rebooting.

I would want to get back these plugins with them saving data on my XU 4 where I have plenty of room. I assume I could get to this point running openLuup from my XU 4.

Of course I need PLEG as well as my Elk security plug in working as well. Actually I think I would leave the Elk plug in with the Vera. It has never caused any problems and created many devices on Vera as well. But I am not sure if it should also be moved to openLuup or not.

If I use Datamine, Datayours in openLuup do I actually need a cifs mount at all? Since these would be installed in openLuup, wouldn’t the data folders already be set up on my XU4? Or would it still try to put data on the Vera? I’m not sure how all that works as well.

Yes, that what openLuup is for.

I would want to get back these plugins with them saving data on my XU 4 where I have plenty of room. I assume I could get to this point running openLuup from my XU 4.

Yes, I think so. Part of the reason I wrote DataYours was that dataMine took up so much resource on Vera… about 1.2Mbytes of ‘disk’ space and 5 Mbytes of RAM (see What did you do with Vera today?.)

So I’m intrigued that you plan to use both - I wonder if you could expand on your usage. I haven’t tried dataMine on openLuup, but I don’t see why it shouldn’t work. DataYours can, anyway, read a dataMine file and plot it (also the saved graphs.)

Sysinfo is very useful for Vera, but not really at all for openLuup which itself logs key system parameters, so I suppose that you are interested in logging, or at least viewing, some of the Vera system parameters. I wonder which ones?

Of course I need PLEG as well as my Elk security plug in working as well. Actually I think I would leave the Elk plug in with the Vera. It has never caused any problems and created many devices on Vera as well. But I am not sure if it should also be moved to openLuup or not.

I understand the wish for PLEG, but that is beyond my powers to grant. I don’t know if Richard got anywhere with porting it and sorting out encryption issues. I don’t have an Elk, but if it works well at the moment, why not save yourself the trouble and leave it on Vera? (Is it, by the way, a serial or ethernet interface?) All the device variables should be available to you on openLuup when using the VeraBridge.

If I use Datamine, Datayours in openLuup do I actually need a cifs mount at all? Since these would be installed in openLuup, wouldn't the data folders already be set up on my XU4? Or would it still try to put data on the Vera? I'm not sure how all that works as well.

Great question. You shouldn’t need CIFS (which I see doesn’t now/yet work on Vera Plus!) You can either record all your data on openLuup directly or, alternatively, in the case of DataYours, get a very small footprint installation on the Vera (running only DataWatcher) and send all the data to your openLuup machine using the built-in UDP protocol. DataYours is a modular, distributed, system and just needs an ethernet connection to link to remote bits of its system.