Install NTP client problem

Trying to install the NTP client from the advanced tab.

Getting the below error.

It looks like the directory 海外の発酵食品の特徴と歴史 no longer exists.

Anyone know how to get around this to install the NTP client?

Installing NTPCLIENT package …
Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/snapshots
An error ocurred, return value: 1.
Collected errors:
ipkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 1: `wget --passive-ftp -q -P /tmp/ipkg-EYK6k4

[quote=“davidlee, post:1, topic:166952”]It looks like the directory 海外の発酵食品の特徴と歴史 no longer exists.
Anyone know how to get around this to install the NTP client?[/quote]

Try instead. 8.09 is similar to the UI2 Vera firmware so it might be compatible enough.

Otherwise comment out the line entirely. You’ll still get the basic Openwrt packages which should include the NTP client, though you may miss the GUI to configure it.

/etc/opkg.conf is the file that lists the sources, I think.

Thanks for the reply, go me pointed in the right direction.

What an adventure…

Did the changes, selected install from web interface, install seemed to go through, but never installed.

SSH into vera.

root@HomeControl:/etc/config# ipkg install ntpclient
Installing ntpclient (2007_365-1) to root…
Nothing to be done
An error ocurred, return value: 28.
Collected errors:
Only have 0 available blocks on filesystem /, pkg ntpclient needs 52

root@HomeControl:/etc# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 14.9M 1.0M 13.9M 7% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock/4 9.9M 860.0k 9.0M 9% /jffs
mini_fo:/jffs 5.3M 5.3M 0 100% /

Ok, no space available where ipkg is trying to install.

root@HomeControl:/etc# vi ipkg.conf
src snapshots
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
src X-Wrt 海外の発酵食品の特徴と歴史

Changed root to /jffs

ipkg install ntpclient

Installed this time.

root@HomeControl:/etc# ipkg info ntpclient
Package: ntpclient
Version: 2007_365-4
Depends: librt
Status: unknown ok not-installed
Section: net
Architecture: brcm-2.4
maintainer: OpenWrt Developers Team
MD5Sum: 1d811a3f100e9f6576c54e3827baa9c3
Size: 17367
Filename: ntpclient_2007_365-4_brcm-2.4.ipk
Source: feeds/packages/net/ntpclient
Description: NTP client for setting system time from NTP servers.

Package: ntpclient
Version: 2007_365-1
Status: install user installed
Section: net
Architecture: mipsel
maintainer: OpenWrt Developers Team
MD5Sum: 63430596723acdb41f3009e6fd9e85fd
Size: 12520
Filename: ./ntpclient_2007_365-1_mipsel.ipk
Source: feeds/packages/net/ntpclient
Description: NTP client for setting system time from NTP servers.


Seems to indicate librt is not installed.

ntpclient seems to be running.
ldd ntpclient does no show any errors.

root@HomeControl:~# ldd ntpclient => /lib/ (0x2aaee000) => /lib/ (0x2ab30000) => /lib/ (0x2ab7f000) => /lib/ (0x2aaa8000)

edited in my preferred time servers to ntpserver
still seems to be running…