Inexplicable Resetting At ~10 Minutes

I’ve been chasing an issue preventing delayed scene commands from executing. I have a few scenes that ramp up/down over time (ex, set light to 30%, then every minute after lower setpoint by -1% until 0. However I’ve found Lua keeps reloading at about 10 minute intervals. Sometimes I catch the WINK control app reloading up top on the screen.

How can I determine why the reset is occurring? Logs attached.

I found this:
[font=courier]03 03/19/16 7:37:58.142 LuaUPNP: starting bLogUPnP 0 <0x2b4fd000>
02 03/19/16 7:37:58.153 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run: pid 1035 didn’t exit <0x2b4fd000>
02 03/19/16 7:37:58.295 UserData::TempLogFileSystemFailure start 1 <0x2b4fd000>
02 03/19/16 7:37:58.417 UserData::TempLogFileSystemFailure 6459 res:1[/font]


[font=courier]df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 4.5M 4.5M 0 100% /rom
tmpfs 30.5M 4.0M 26.5M 13% /tmp
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock7 11.0M 4.6M 6.4M 42% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay 11.0M 4.6M 6.4M 42% /
/dev/mtdblock8 5.5M 5.5M 0 100% /mios[/font]

You are running Wink Connect v0.21rc9b… Did you previously install a version less that v0.20 from the App Marketplace and then manually upgrade to the latest version??? This can cause issues… specifically an issue that causes the Vera to download files that are no longer available… Which your Vera seems to be doing…

See HERE for how to fix the issue

Yes, I did have previous Wink versions installed, and have upgraded manually to v0.21rc9b. I’ll try the fix as recommended. Thanks for the reply.