Indoor Motion + cam

Looking to install my first few Z wave devices over the next two weeks. Starting with a VeraLite.

To get started I just want something very simple, a motion sensor inside my two main living areas that will go off if someone comes in the house while I am gone. I want it to just text me and let me know someone’s inside. Main objective with my motions is reliability, and ideally I would prefer the option to go battery AND external power, but if that doesn’t exist in a reliable device, I would choose external power.

I would also like to have one or two indoor cameras inside the house so that if the motions go off I can see what’s going on inside. PTZ is not necessary. Preferably wired and wireless installation options.

Looking for some suggestions on motion sensors with the above criteria and cameras. Compatibility with VeraLite and reliability (software and hardware) are my biggest priorities.