Incorrect time on the CP display

Hey all, I am running 1.5.622 on my Mi Casa Verde VeraLite and I can’t seem to figure out why the logs show the proper time of an event, but the clock on the control panel in the upper right is an hour ahead. Any ideas?

I was about to post about the same issue as well. It seems during DST last night, Vera decided to jump 2 hours instead of 1. I verified that my timezone is correct.

I don’t see a way to manually put the time in and don’t want to pick another timezone as I not sure how that will treat my plugins I rely on for evening timing.

I did try changing the timezone manually and back and this did not do anything.

Update: Mine just went to normal time… On its own, not sure what happened but all is good for mine.

The time on the UI comes from your PC clock not Vera.

For my case that is inaccurate. The time on my machine was correct Vera was wrong.

Time is correct on my computer and wrong on the Vera Lite…

Which browser are you using?

What @RexBeckett said is correct, The time displayed in the Vera GUI is acquired from your PC, not Vera. I’m guessing that it be being offset by the browser, if your computer clock/timezone is indeed set correctly.

Edit: Try accessing the GUI from another device PC/Tablet and I’ll bet you see a difference in the clock.

Different browser tried with no luck… If it were the Browser why are my scenes an Hour off?

To clarify your specific issue, are you saying that scene times are off, or your Vera GUI masthead clock is off, or both?

What is your timezone? Have you verified that your Vera is set to the correct timezone? If your issue is the masthead clock, have you verified that your PC is set to the correct timezone?

See kwikLog for a quick way to verify all your location settings (and Vera clock).

rex, can you get the (human readable) sys time to display in the notification box at the top of the UI?

I was thinking about adding the lua line to a scene that I can pop when I want. Right now, I actually use a status report from PLEG.

(not having any problems with time, though)

Probably something happened in the background that adjusted your clock or, more likely, time zone:

[ul][li]A Luup restart on Vera might have added an hour offset to the Lua time zone.[/li]
[li]Your web browser reloaded, or did some periodic background task, that noticed that your host OS time went forward an hour and/or your time zone changed.[/li]
[li]Your computer reconnected to the Internet and took a moment to re-synchronize the system clock and time zone. This is trickier on Windows than on Unix because Windows runs on local time and Unix runs on UTC.[/li][/ul]

The MiOS operating system runs on UTC like all Unix boxes, so anything at the low level, such as logging, will get any changes in your time zone right. Scenes in LuaUPnP run on local time, so might get things wrong by an hour until you do a Luup restart. The web UI depend not only on what LuaUPnP thinks the time is, but also what your web browser’s JavaScript engine thinks your time zone is, so it’s at the mercy of your browser and whatever quirks are hidden in LuaUPnP.

Upshot: Restart your browser. Reload the Vera Web UI. Log out of your PC. At some point it should come good.

[quote=“Bulldoglowell, post:11, topic:180063”]rex, can you get the (human readable) sys time to display in the notification box at the top of the UI?

I was thinking about adding the lua line to a scene that I can pop when I want. Right now, I actually use a status report from PLEG.

(not having any problems with time, though)[/quote]
Certainly. Just add the code below to a scene or run it in Test Luup code (Lua).

local time ="%X on %A %B %d, %Y") local handle = luup.task(time,1,"Time",-1) luup.call_delay("clrTaskMsg",10,handle) function clrTaskMsg(handle) luup.task("",4,"",tonumber(handle)) end

super, thanks

I just noticed the lost hour too last night (Saturday 23rd) when my 12am (night time) sequence of events kicked off at 11PM

Using @Rex’s script and a number of restarts it’s still an hour out my Vera now thinks it’s an hour later, even though my iPad still shows the correct time.

Then checking my location I found it had be changed without my knowledge/involvement to the first option. (Adidjan in Africa) also the date format has changed too, to the American mm/dd/yy… Very Strange…

@parkerc - This happened to many London(GMT) users last year. I don’t remember the specifics, but it was something to do with a bug in Vera’s timezone file.,14123.0.html

Thanks @z-waver

Thanks for directing me to that other post, I did a quick search before posting and this particular thread sounded related, however the one you’ve just shared looks spot on …
