I have a Intermatic HA18C Home Settings Three-Way In-Wall Switch that receives signals from my Vera appliance sometimes and sometimes not. I have a event setup to turn the light on at sunset and off at sunrise. It works some of the time. When I look at the state of the device within the Vera interface it will not have the correct status (i.e. the light is off, but Vera says it is on).
One possible reason for this is the distance between my Vera appliance and the light switch (third story to first floor).
I have several Intermatic light switches including the HA18C and haven’t had any issues (so far). However, I have a smaller home (2 story duplex), so like you said distance might be a factor.
I’ve seen some odd issues with Intermatics. When it’s happened, they’ve always been hardware related. The Leviton/Monster ones work a lot better. You can try putting a lamp module or something in between the switch and Vera so it can act as a relay.
Okay. Now you’ve got my attention with the whole Intermatic/Leviton/Monster issue.
This may really be on a device by device case, but of the in-wall switches you’ve tested, which seem to be the best brands and models. Of the outlets, which seem to be the best brand and model. And finally… you guessed it… of the plug in adapters, which brands and models seem to be the best?
I personally don’t like the switches from either Intermatic or Leviton, but when it comes to functionality, which will be better?
Z-wave is a mesh network, so if you have anything z-wave in between there should be no connectivity issues - unless you got routing problem due to unplugged not de-registered mudules, etc.
If this is the case you could either rebuild your network from scratch, or use ThinkEssentials Pro that can optimize and fix this kind of problems.
Cooper makes some very nice switches. Leviton/Monster are largely the same. The build quality is great. The only thing I really don’t like is an in-wall switch that’s not 2 way (ie not up=on, down=off). Leviton decided to make it toggle, so you can’t easily turn them on/off.
I added a lamp module on my second story to see if that would help. So I now have the Vera unit on the third floor, a lamp module on the second floor and a wall switch on the ground floor.
To make it clean experiment I’d recommend to re-build your network - existing routes are not necessarily get optimized if you add a node in the middle.
The network should get rebuilt when you add the device, its part of the protocol.
The Cooper switches are also “one button” toggle devices even though they look more conventional. The Cooper and the Leviton are both first quality. The Intermatics are a step below. The ACT’s are even lower still.
Just ran into my first problem Intermatic HA06C switch. I installed it yesterday and it was working fine. Today, it will only respond to z-wave signals if I use a controller within a foot of the device. Returning to Amazon for an exchange since it must be a defective switch. All my other switches (Intermatic) have been working fine.