Implement Dropdown Menu in Plugin's Static JSON file

So I see time and time again (PLEG is a great example) where user may select a device from a list. I looked through all of the documented ControlTypes but there is no documented standard implementation.

Can someone direct me to a method to produce such a thing? I’ve searched the forum for js_button but cannot find an example there either…


I fear you cannot do this using the static json and you have to create a javascript version of the panel.

Cheers Rene

[quote=“reneboer, post:2, topic:197233”]Hi,

I fear you cannot do this using the static json and you have to create a javascript version of the panel.

Cheers Rene[/quote]

Right… thanks.

I’ve looked over the JS API. Though I know JavaScript it’s a bit daunting, learning (yet another) JS API!! I think for now I’ll solve my problem with Lua.