iCloud list does not reflect any version of reality

Hot on the heels of the new improved 2.50 I’ve got another slight issue or two which may be related

  1. My iCloud list shows 3 iPads and 2 iPhones. Historical devices indeed, but they have been deleted from iCloud via the website. Know issue? I’m not sure if it feeds into:

  2. I get this message at the top of my browser screen pretty often:

IPhoneLocator : Bad or No device found:{ “maxMsgChar”: 160, “isMac”: false, “lostTimestamp”: “”, “batteryStatus”: “Unknown”, “locFoundEnabled”: false, “deviceClass”: “iPhone”, “canWipeAfterLock”: true, “isLocating”: false, “name”: “iPhone”, “lostModeCapable”: true, “audioChannels”: [ ], “modelDisplayName”: “iPhone”, “deviceDisplayName”: “iPhone SE”, “deviceColor”: “121211-aeb1b8”, “activationLocked”: true, “fmlyShare”: false, “batteryLevel”: 0, “lostModeEnabled”: false, “darkWake”: false, “thisDevice”: false, “wipeInProgress”: false, “id”: “Tc2JmY+ba2Q6YjgfTQri2GKQ2169uuBoPGzOOOZlCxmhZLf3RUK84+HYVNSUzmWV”, “locationCapable”: true, “deviceModel”: “iphoneSE-121211-aeb1b8”, “lostDevice”: { “userText”: true, “statusCode”: “2201”, “createTimestamp”: 1514557687148, “text”: “”, “emailUpdates”: true, “stopLostMode”: false, “sound”: false, “ownerNbr”: “” }, “baUUID”: “”, “passcodeLength”: 6, “features”: { “CLK”: false, “PIN”: false, “LKM”: false, “WIP”: true, “CWP”: false, “KEY”: false, “XRM”: false, “CLT”: false, “TEU”: true, “LMG”: false, “LKL”: true, “KPD”: false, “LLC”: false, “SVP”: false, “MCS”: false, “LCK”: true, “WMG”: true, “REM”: true, “MSG”: true, “LOC”: true, “SPN”: false, “LST”: true, “SND”: true }, “rawDeviceModel”: “iPhone8,4”, “lowPowerMode”: false, “locationEnabled”: true, “deviceStatus”: “203” }

We have not iPhone8 or iPhoneSE. Anything I should be concerned about?



in the settings tab, have you tried to enter your user name , pwd and click refresh ?

I have sir. It makes no difference


ok, could you try go to iCloud and check at the page section which says “my devices” ( or equiv… mine is french )
then if you click on one device, you have the option to remove devices from your account; that would be for any device that is not in your use any more of course.
but at least IPhonelocator device list and this iCloud list should be the same

let me know

Yes I’ve done that, and removed none used devices.

My list there at iCloud
Macbook Air 13"
New Mail Server.

iPhone Locator list is 8 devices.

The only thing I can think of is that despite the list on my iCloud page, I wonder where I have previously logged into my wife’s devices and although they (logically) should either show or not, the API is presenting all devices: The ones that she has adopted as well as my active ones.

I can’t validate that for a couple of days, but happy to do so if that seems likely? Although being (historically) logged into other devices, I’d still expect them to be shown here iCloud



I have the opposite problem. Since 8/2, iPhone Locator cannot find any devices. No changes to my iCloud account. My phone appears under #settings. I reenter my iCloud credentials and no devices are found. And I noticed my battery levels are much higher than normal as well, telling me iCloud is not pinging my phone every 600s. Very strange. Here is my device message:

Upgrade to v 2.50 There was a certificate change I understand


it is explained in the recent forum questions, update to v2.50. apple changed a certificate and use one that is not valid ( self signed ) hence the failure. 2.50 will fix it

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Thanks, Alexis. For some reason I did not see that discussion. I’ll check it out.

OK managed to get with Mrs C to get into her account.

She only has two devices listed in iCloud:
iPhone SE (R’s iPhone)
Macbook Air (C’sMac)

In the plugin:
2xR’s iPhone
C’s Mac
R’s iPad
