HTTP to a multiswitch

I found this URL in a thread (Here explaining how to toggle a multiswitch via HTTP

Am i right in thinking that rather than triggering through the vera gateway, i can trigger it direct. The device sending the http toggle request is on the same network as Vera


Is that correct?
What does the 99999 mean in the original http request?


The example you posted is for doing it remotely via the MIOS servers for UI5. UI7 uses different authentication so that does not work anymore.

Local URL still works and uses below format to set the button on:


Where IP_ADDRESS is the IP address of the target Veram, DeviceNum is the device number of your Multiswitch and SetStatus1/NewStatus1 refers to button 1. Replace the 1 with 2 to 8 for the other buttons.

To switch the button off:


[quote=“alpha1, post:1, topic:189295”]I found this URL in a thread (Here explaining how to toggle a multiswitch via HTTP

Am i right in thinking that rather than triggering through the vera gateway, i can trigger it direct. The device sending the http toggle request is on the same network as Vera


Is that correct?
What does the 99999 mean in the original http request?


Yes, I use the direct (IP Address) method to communicate between my two Vera 3s and also to/from Vera and Blue Iris. Vera sets the BI Profile according to the state of the DSC alarm panel and and receives motion sensing and status data from BI using this method.

[quote=“BOFH, post:2, topic:189295”]The example you posted is for doing it remotely via the MIOS servers for UI5. UI7 uses different authentication so that does not work anymore.

Local URL still works and uses below format to set the button on:


Where IP_ADDRESS is the IP address of the target Veram, DeviceNum is the device number of your Multiswitch and SetStatus1/NewStatus1 refers to button 1. Replace the 1 with 2 to 8 for the other buttons.

To switch the button off:



Thanks… Beer tokens for you

I Think I’m getting crazy… Instruction works perfectly for turning the switches on (NewStatus1=1), but can’t get it work for turning switches off (NewStatus1=0). Any advice?

Thank you!

how does this work remotely for UI7? @BOFH you mentioned different authentication. could you please explain how this would have to be done? Thanks!