
Just installed an HSM100 motion detector and it shows up in ivera as 3-in-1 sensor, has the green dot and shows the battery level. The problem is that under that it shows the three sensors: motion, light and temperature. They seem to be getting readings but each one has a red dot instead of green. Is this normal or something set up wrong?

The red dots on the HSM100’s sensors are simply cosmetic and as mentioned, the readings are correct. This is due to the fact that only the main HSM-100 z-wave device gets a “configured” flag set however its child (the sensors) don’t.

iVera –

Have you though about allowing this plugin to be displayed on the iphone/ipad app? Right now it just displays “undefined.”



Yes, support for TED5000 will be added to iVera in next release (after 1.0.6), as well as FortrezZ wireless water alarm.