HSM100 not working: Please HELP


Finally I received three HSM100/ Express Controls 3-in-1 , I have been eagerly waiting for. Read on earlier threads (too old - from 2008) that there may be older versions so allow me to ask how-to-tell as well.

Question #1: Does this sound old version
From Devices
Capabilities 81,140,0,4,33,1|49,96:2,112,114,119,128,132:2,133,134,
Version 6,2,40,1,9
Manufacturer Ryherd Ventures
Model Express Controls 3-in-1

Question#2: Motion Sensor does not trigger the lights or anything

One Simple Scene: Version 979

LuuP Event
Device : Motion Sensor
Event Type: A sensor (door/window/motion etc) is Tripped
Name of the event: GST Motion

Tripped: Yes

Commands: Lamp: ON : After 1 minute : Switch OFF
Sensor unchanged

Problem1: I do see motion with blinking LED but no lights
Problem2: After some time the LED on “Express Controls 3-in-1” goes off and no motion brings it back on

After reading and re-reading threads and above all the nice WiKi on this tried to change the parameters
Wakeup interval (seconds):: 360 (minimum possible with battery powered for testing and using rechargeable)

Problem1 and Problem 2: Still the same status

Custom Zwave Settings: Parameter 2 (Wake Up Time) Value 5 minutes (Size : 1 Dec as suggested)

Problem1 and Problem 2: Still the same status

If I click on Scene “GO” it does power on the lamp but nothing on Motion.

What am I missing? Will appreciate the pointers.


  • Keeper

Adding one more snapshot for Custom Settings along with the status from Dashboard with Sensor at bypass and red (as in there is a motion).

Thanks again for your time to read this.



[quote=“Keeper, post:1, topic:165493”]Greetings

Problem2: After some time the LED on “Express Controls 3-in-1” goes off and no motion brings it back on …[/quote]

the led is set that way to save battery.

this manual is more complete than homeseers and gives the configuration bit to change to make the led go on all the time


LED Configuration The LED will light whenever motion is detected during the 10 minute configuration period after pressing the blue reset button. Once EZMotion enters its low-power state, the LED will still briefly illuminate when motion is first detected and an ON command is sent. The LED with then remain off until the OFF command has been sent. The LED can be configured to always remain off once EZMotion has entered its low-power state. Turing the LED off will extend the battery life. The LED configuration can be set via the Z-Wave configuration commands. See the home-control documentation for details.

and the configuration bit info:

3 LED ON/OFF 255 LED ON/OFF turns the LED on or off. A slight improvement in battery life is obtained by turning the LED off. Setting LED ON/OFF to zero will turn the LED off and 255 turns it on. 0, 255

[quote=“Keeper, post:1, topic:165493”]…

Question #1: Does this sound old version
From Devices
Capabilities 81,140,0,4,33,1|49,96:2,112,114,119,128,132:2,133,134,
Version 6,2,40,1,9
Manufacturer Ryherd Ventures
Model Express Controls 3-in-1

  • Keeper[/quote]

looks like you are off one version but has same capabilities as mine- mine says :

Capabilities 81,140,0,4,33,1|49,96:2,112,114,119,128,132:2,133,134,
Version 6,2,40,1,10
Manufacturer Ryherd Ventures
Model Express Controls 3-in-1

beyond that- not sure why your scene isn’t working. I use a hsm100 to turn lights off without motion. And i just tried a test scene to confirm it can turn ON lights with motion and it worked fine too.

if the dot next to the sensor goes red than it would seem that vera is getting an indicator that the sensor detected motion- Not sure why vera isn’t then executing the command. Sorry can’t be more help.

I tired my test scene without a 'leave it on for x" - maybe just try to turn it on and see if that happens. Someone posted in the other thread that those leave it on for x commands are flaky.

I never had any luck with the “always ON” method…

I setup my HSM100 to be powered by an old LG cell phone charger (5v, 1000ma)
and it works great. I wanted a quicker way to read the temps and always on is constant updates and you can poll often, but it was always reporting tripped. The other main advantage of this method is the HSM100 starts to participate in relaying and acting as a node repeater in the mesh network.

I ended up putting it back in normal mode, polling every 360 seconds to pull temp and light readings, and I arm it after 11pm and only when it’s dark for normal activity to light a room when the house is dark. I also use it to trigger a txt msg alarm and turn on ALL lights and flash one module outside to alert of a break-in when Im travelling.

Good luck and please continue to report back if you find a method that works with “always ON” mode

Appreciate the pointer: It does work but “why” as in “WHYY” :slight_smile: lols

Started to have another trouble but before that small clarification

Does the LuuP events in a single scene are logical AND or logical OR. I believe should be logical AND.

Here’s the problem:

LuuP event Motion is triggered
Luup Event Brightness level configured < 30

What’s happening: Sensor shows the brightness level as 83 but scene is getting triggered at motion and I have lamps on in the day light

Thanks in advance for your next help

  • Keeper

Just a newbie myself and the whole logic of multiple triggers isn’t exactly user friendly in my humble opinion- so have to say my understanding isn’t for sure correct.

But the way I understand it is that if you put multiple triggers on one scene than ANY will trigger it. So it’s “OR” -( MCV seems to ignore everyone asking for “AND” functionality and instead are more worried about making the UI LOOK good.

So based on my understanding the only way to do AND is by making a SINGLE trigger using an event or timer and then writing LUUP code in the scene to make it conditional on something else. Then you have to force it to return a false to stop it from just doing the commands anyway. So you would need to make a scent that is triggered by the motion event- then you would need to write luup code to see if the brightness is >30 it so it should return false (if it is less than 30 it will return true and the commands will be executed).

I THINK that’s the way to go- but you should head on over to the LUUP forum to read up and or ask a more knowledgable person. There’s a couple recent threads about making conditional events- related to nighttime if i recall.

Thanks my Friend for all your help

Dont know why I am getting a feeling that my $300 went down the drain.

Will call MCV for possibile alternates if any with possible schedule or roadmap.



poke around the luup forum- I think you can find the solution to what you want to get done with Lua.

it’s not as simple as I’d like but there are plenty of nice folks there willing to help the programming challanged like myself.

Capabilities 81,140,0,4,33,1|49,96:2,112,114,119,128,132:2,133,134, Version 6,2,40,1,9

Mine is version 7 and works fine. So you are good. :slight_smile:

LED only blinks, when sensor sends the motion notification, it doesn’t blink on all the motion. As michaelk said.

Also, read http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/ExpressControls3in1

Multiple events in a scene are OR-ed. If you need to AND them, you need to write some simple Lua code.

If it still doesn’t work through the scene, try Association instead.

If it still doesn’t work through the scene, try Association instead.

But keep in mind that there is a bug which breaks associating more than one device to a HSM100:
