HSM100 MultiSensor Setup - Help

I’m a little confused. (it happens a lot, lol) ???

I just got an HSM100 MultiSensor and successfully added the device to VERA. (I’m using version 1.0.426)

I went to scenes and added an event to turn on my Foyer Light when the sensor detects motion. It seems to only work right after I hit the blue button on the side of the sensor. I can tell that the sensor is still detecting motion because the red light will blink when there is movement. I guess Vera isn’t getting the command to turn the light switch back on again. After about 10 minutes, the sensor seems like it isn’t even detecting the motion anymore either because the red light won’t blink anymore.

Am I doing something wrong?

And where do I set up the motion timeout interval or the wake-up interval. I looked in your advanced setup but couldn’t find anything that looked similar?

I’ve found it best to associate the motion sensor with a device rather than using a gateway or other controller. It is usually much faster.

Thanks, but the weird thing is that it just started working all of a sudden. All I did was wait 4 hours before I walked into the Foyer. Weird, maybe VERA was doing some kind of network healing.

Anyway, now that the light turns on instantly when motion is detected… I am now testing out VERA to see if it will turn off the Light when the motion detector doesn’t sense motion for a while or goes idle. I set it all up about 15 minutes ago and the light is still on. But, I don’t see of anyway I can set a “motion timeout interval”.

Maybe there is some default interval. I guess I’ll wait and see what that is.

ok, that’s weird… I turned off the light manually, left the room for a minute and re-entered. And guess what, the light didn’t turn on when it was suppose to. :cry:

Maybe I have to wait a while again…

If I don’t have too, I don’t want to resort to associating the sensor to the switch directly. The whole point is that VERA should be able to handle everything. :-[

I’ll be in touch. :wink:

ok, so I’m back. It Works! … kind of! ???

Here is my advice to others that might have had similar problems. Patience is key! If you think you’ve set it up correctly, you probably have. You just have to wait a while for it to work.

My only question to Micasaverde is, how do you set the “Motion Timeout Interval” on the sensor?

My ideal setup is as follows:

  1. Motion from beings at least 3 feet tall is Detected and the light turns on instantly ([glow=green,2,300]works fine[/glow]).
  2. If motion is not detected for 30 seconds, turn off the light (it [glow=red,2,300][font=Verdana]doesn’t work[/font][/glow], but the light for some reason ??? does turn off after an uncertain amount of time.

3.After the light has turned off and I walk back into the room again right away… the light doesn’t turn back on when it should. It’s almost like I need to wait a few minutes before I can enter the room again for the lights to work.

HSM100 has the default idle timeout of 30 minutes. It has been discussed at the below link and MCV is looking into making it shorter/adjustable.


Thanks Denix,

I must of missed that line when looking through the forums. I hope Micasaverde can fix the idle timeout of only being 30 minutes.

Did you read this? http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Supported_Hardware#Sensors

It explains how you have to hit the blue button to wakeup the sensor and then choose ‘configure right now’ if you don’t have a green configure icon. We’ll add today the input box to accept an idle timeout delay so it makes it in the next revision: http://bugs.micasaverde.com/view.php?id=397

If you followed the instructions and the sensor isn’t working, go to advanced, logging. Enable ‘verbose logging’. Then press the blue button on the sensor, then click ‘configure right now’ as explained in the docs, wait 3 minutes, and submit a trouble report (advanced, tech support) and post the report id in this thread. We’ll look at the logs to see why it’s not configuring.

It’s working ‘so-so’ now. :slight_smile:

I’ll just wait until you guys add an input box to accept an idle timeout delay. Right now it takes 30 minutes to timeout like Denix said.

But… encase I missed something, I will hit the blue button again and checkout the ‘configure right now’ section with a closer eye.


I am having the same issues with the 3-in-1 sensor. The 30 minute timeout makes it very hard to
debug things. When are you planning on having a motion timeout form input?

This wiki page explains details on the setup http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/ExpressControls3in1

As for controlling the timeout, that can be done by changing the variables as described in the wiki page above:

There are also a few custom configuration settings for the sensor for things like Sensitivity, Timeout delay, LED Enabled, Light Threshold, and so on. To set them, click the + button next to the device, choose 'Custom Z-Wave Settings', then 'Add configuration setting', put in the variable number that corresponds to the setting you want to change, choose a data size of '1 byte dec' and enter the desired value, as shown below. Then click 'Save'. Vera will attempt to re-configure the sensor. If it fails, probably because the sensor is asleep, you will see the red cog. Press the blue button on the sensor and you should get a green cog meaning the sensor has been configured with your new settings

Each of the variables are defined in the PDF documentation for the sensor: http://www.expresscontrols.com/pdf/EZMotionOwnerManual.pdf (page 7). The variable number 2 is set to the default value of 20 minutes. (not 30 as some post above indicate).

If the sensor has not seen any motion for a while, and then suddenly sees motion, then a “MOTION” zwave signal is send. Vera will of course receive that. During that the LED on the sensor will light for a brief moment (unless you have programmed the LED not to light up, which you can!).

If no motion is detected for 20 minutes, a “NO MOTION” signal is send 20 minutes later.

If motion is detected anytime within the 20 minutes, the timer is reset, and the sensor will wait with sending the “NO MOTION” signal.

This approach is done to save power as the sensor will run out very quickly of batteries if it is sending “MOTION” commands every time there is any movement.

Now for debugging purposes you may actually want the sensor to talk a lot and send zwave commands on every single movement. You can certainly do that with the sensor by changing the internal variable 5 to any non-zero value. That will consume a LOT of power as the sensor will now send out motion commands on every detected motion. Also in this mode, it will not send out “NO MOTION” commands at all (I have not tried this mode, so I am not 100% sure about this). Be very careful about changing this variable, as it will remain in this mode even after a reset, and it may mess up your routing tables also, as it becomes a transmitter in the mesh network. Thus, after setting the variable back to 0 you must run a “Heal network” in vera, to make sure routing is updated.

Another safer approach is to change the variable 2 (the “on timeout”) to 1. This will make the sensor send a “NO MOTION” after 1 minute of inactivity.

Personally I have experienced mixed results with the HSM100 sensor. In my setup I have not found it 100% reliable. Even when linking it directly with a device, I have seen cases, where either the motion or no-motion command was never received by the light switch located less than 3 feet away. With that kind of issues, you just make it worse by adding a controller in between. I have used it a lot with HomeSeer and recently with Vera.

The original post under the link above said 20-30 minutes, which was quite a close estimate, btw…