HSM100 communication problem

Hi, I have 4 HSM100 motion senors on my V5 Vera system. When they are connected, they work for quite a while. But over time for some reason they appear to lose connection and they stop communicating with Vera. If I manually poll the device it fails even though the device is still listed in Vera as a valid device. For reason it just looses its ability to communicate and report status. The only way I have found to resolve the problem is to delete the device and reassign it back into Vera. Deleting the device is painfull because is messes up all my luup code that referenced to my original device numbers before they were deleted. Is there another way to reset these motion detectors without having to delete and assign them back into Vera? There must be a bug somewhere in the Vera code that is causing this. It randomly happens with all 4 of my motion sensors. I can pull the Motion off the wall and place it right by the vera box and it still doesn’t communicate when it gets into this weird mode. As I said, the only way to resolve the problem is remove the device from Vera and reassign it. Since this happens all the time, I’m hoping there is another way to reset the communication with the motion sensor so I don’t have keep deleting them. If not, these are going in the trash and I’m going to find something more reliable then the 4 HSM100 motion sensors I have =) Every 7-12 months I fight this problem.

I hope someone has a simple solution to this problem for restoring the motion communication on the HSM100 device without deleting the device.


Have you tried pressing the blue button on those units?

Yeah, that doesn’t doesn’t help. The motion device appears to detect motion and all, but just doesn’t communicate to Vera. In fact, when I Poll the device, it fails. I know if I remove it from the system and reassign it, it will work. I was hoping for a way to just reset the device to restore the communication without having to remove and reassign it though. Since this is what I have done for the past couple years with these dumb devices, but its painful to do because my motion device IDs are used in various luup code.


[quote=“wildview, post:1, topic:183152”]Hi, I have 4 HSM100 motion senors on my V5 Vera system. When they are connected, they work for quite a while. But over time for some reason they appear to lose connection and they stop communicating with Vera. If I manually poll the device it fails even though the device is still listed in Vera as a valid device. For reason it just looses its ability to communicate and report status. The only way I have found to resolve the problem is to delete the device and reassign it back into Vera. Deleting the device is painfull because is messes up all my luup code that referenced to my original device numbers before they were deleted. Is there another way to reset these motion detectors without having to delete and assign them back into Vera? There must be a bug somewhere in the Vera code that is causing this. It randomly happens with all 4 of my motion sensors. I can pull the Motion off the wall and place it right by the vera box and it still doesn’t communicate when it gets into this weird mode. As I said, the only way to resolve the problem is remove the device from Vera and reassign it. Since this happens all the time, I’m hoping there is another way to reset the communication with the motion sensor so I don’t have keep deleting them. If not, these are going in the trash and I’m going to find something more reliable then the 4 HSM100 motion sensors I have =) Every 7-12 months I fight this problem.

I hope someone has a simple solution to this problem for restoring the motion communication on the HSM100 device without deleting the device.


The HSM100 devices have had 3 major versions. I have purchased quite a number of both the version 1 and version 3 model. The most current version, version 3 (EZMotion+), is VERY reliable. It works well, and battery usage is low. Not sure what version you are using. Please see:


for more information.
