I had pretty good luck with the version before 1.0.541 but with this version I get the red cog on my motion sensors. I tried hitting the blue button and no luck. I also tried hitting the blue button then configure now as stated on the wiki page also with no luck. Has anyone else experienced this?
Can you enable verbose logs, then press the blue button, press configure now, press ARM on the sensor and after a few minutes submit a Trouble Report to us and put here the trouble report number.
Don’t forget to disable verbose logging after.
I have found that the new update has solved my triggering problems with both of my HSM-100’s. Both are working fine now. The trick is to press the blue button and within 60 seconds press “configure now”. Sometimes it takes more than one attempt. I also found that by setting option 2 (time out) in the advanced section to 1 minute made testing very easy, well worth the setting change.
I did notice that I don’t have the battery level readings any more, did anyone else notice this? One more thing to watch for, be careful when using rechargeable batteries with these motion sensors the voltage is a little lower and I found that the reliability of the sensor was not to be trusted.
Has anyone tried to trigger on the temp and light levels?
Restarting vera and then pressing blue button and doing configure now got me going. It seems to be a battle every time I upgrade to get these HSM’s back online
I lost my battery indicator too for my HSM 100’s
nancker can you press the blue button and the configure now on your HSM 100’s and then check the battery indicator?
Since this are battery operated devices, they will report to Vera their state after the"wake up interval" so it could take a while until you’ll see the indicator.
I took the batteries out of my HSM100 for a minute then put them back in. Pressed the blue button and got the error displayed when I place my mouse over an icon under the word Test “Aborted” with an error code 1. Logs show “pollnode_wake #5node 5 5 cmds - Failed with TXStatus: 1”
The sensor is not very far from Vera (30’) but when I moved within 15 feet it communicated and synced properly. I don’t know if my Leviton Vizia RF+ outlet can relay to the HSM100 but it doesn’t look that way as the two are normally within 6 feet of each other but the HSM100 won’t sync until I move it close to Vera.
It is likely that when setting up HSM100, you should be close to Vera. Then once it is configured properly, I would move HSM100 in place where you want it, and then update the nodes on its way, while making sure that HSM100 is not going into sleep more. I do not recall the timeout, but I do believe it is a couple of minutes.
During that time, you will update the routing tables in the zwave devices, including your viziaRF+ (I have many of the the same switches). You could then if you are interested, look at the routing node information under the devices to see if HSM100’s node Id was properly registered in the surrounding switches.
Do remember, that HSM100 is not taking active part in the routing, as it is battery operated. Also you may want to know that you must ensure it is not sleeping while routing configuration is going on.
I am still a little fresh in how Vera is doing things (I have several years experience with HomeSeer and Insteon and Zwave). In “Vera language”, I believe what you want to do is “configure node”. If you choose “heal network” it seems to me that Vera will do a “configure node” for all the nodes in the network, thus update all the routing tables.
I hope this helps…
cj: One of my two HSM100 just refuses to connect to Vera. It remains with a red cogwheel, where the other HSM100 works just fine - also with the battery indicator. I was able to detect the HSM100 with the hardware dongle and it looks similar to the other one in Vera - it just does not connect
the two sensors are bought some time apart, so they may have different firmware
cj: I must say that there is something a bit odd about the battery indicator and HSM100. I just connected my 3rd HSM100 to Vera. This one is a newer version and connection went fine. After a few seconds I also got the temperature and light sensor reading showing. That tells me that the sensor did in fact reports it’s data. Still vera did not show the battery…
I retried the trick with pressing the blue button and clicking “configure node” in Vera a couple of times. I also tried to reload the web page (CTRL+F5) and now after some 10 minutes of fiddling the indicator is still not there… It may appear later, like it did for my first sensor, where it just suddenly one day was there.
After all, IMHO this is not a major issue. What is important is that we can connect to vera, it stays on, and that it control the devices and reacts to events. That’s pretty much the key things to worry about I think. I just wanted to share with other users that this little thing may have some issues.