How to update firmware on Aeon 4 in 1 multi-sensor

I am having trouble with my Aeon Multi-Sensor.

I have a veralite, that has been updated.

I was getting the following message: Failed a: Setting user configuratoin

I disconnected it from the veralite and now I can’t reaquire the sensor.

is there a firmware update for the sensor or just the veralite?

Thanks for the help

I have a few questions:

  1. In "disconnecting the multi-sensor form the Vera Lite, did you exclude/unpair the multi-sensor from the Z-Wave network?

  2. Did you look at the multi-sensor’s manufacturer to see if/how to update the firmware? This has nothing to do with Vera. Connect the sensor to a PC via USB and run the firmware update file.

  3. Did you you see this wiki article about installing the Aeon multi-sensor? What about this support page article?