How to update back to the english firmware release ?

New owner of a vera 3 updated to the lastest french release 1.5.346 .
I want to go back to an english release because of its french translation not very apropriate.

how to do it because i did not find any dowload link available for the english one.

got also a strange issue this evening , my light switches module has been renamed to _module_appareil ??

[edit] finaly found a link in another topic but i m not sure this is the english release.
can someone confirm this is the english release ?

thanks in advice for the help .

wow 25 views for my question and no answer ??? !!

Yes it’s the good one.

Another way to download this firmware is to go to [url=][/url] ; at the last screen, where you can see the information about your unit, you have to select the US flag.

[quote=“LG, post:3, topic:171111”]Yes it’s the good one.

Another way to download this firmware is to go to [url=][/url] ; at the last screen, where you can see the information about your unit, you have to select the US flag.[/quote]
hello LG

thank you so mcuh for the information,
i can see you are not an old members and this confort me to go ahead to continue to learn how to setup it, i was wondering if i will or not change to another controler brand even i would have lost money.
I suggest to micasaverde support to raise their customer support because i felt its recognition decreasing while internet browsing, trying to get and understand how to set it.

Customers are not only professional one that have exeperiences in old vera hardware and setting philosophy.

I tried indeed to update by this link and got “error cannot connect”, then no chance to get the last screen with the unit ident this even if i select english language, but i m able to connect to the unit.
perhaps it is an issue already considered by micasaverde support. I will check how to list reported bugs and may be report issues.

ok i will download the firmware and will update by local way.