How to setup Geofences with VeraEdge?

Hi Guys, where can I find a documentation or tutorial video how to setup Geofences to use with VeraEdge (enable a scene)?

I have an email into the company with no response yet about this as well. The marketing material clearly states:

Geofencing?the system can know who is arriving/leaving based on cell phone location, so for example, your thermostat can change automatically as you drive close to home.

taken from [url=][/url]

I bought a veraedge a week or so back, I can’t find any references to native geo fencing, this seems to be false marketing.

Anybody else?

This can be done, but it has to be done from the phone. Unless you install software on the phone for such a task, only the phone company (and NSA) will know where you are (or more specifically where the phone is). Which is a good thing, for privacy’s sake. Vera certainly will not know, nor can know.

On my Android phone, I use Tasker and AutoVera to send messages to Vera when I arrive home. I key on connecting to my home wifi, but it would be easy to do using geofencing on the phone as well.

I assume there is something similar on Apple and Microsoft phones.

they are marketing as a native feature, my assumption is that they would accomplish this via the Vera phone app, however there is no option on the vera IOS app that i can find. Anybody have it for android that can chime in?

I assume you looked into the Remote Control section of this forum. See anything there?

got this response from Vera today:

Geo-fencing will be enabled in the new build of UI7 that we will be releasing today. At the same time, the updated iOS and Android apps have been pushed for publishing, but it might take a while until they get approved in the app stores.

[quote=“eroeberoe, post:6, topic:184497”]got this response from Vera today:

Geo-fencing will be enabled in the new build of UI7 that we will be releasing today. At the same time, the updated iOS and Android apps have been pushed for publishing, but it might take a while until they get approved in the app stores.

We all know how long “today” will be but I think that’s great that they will soon have it integrated. With that said I’m sure it would work as good or have as many options (multi fences, rapid updates, Multiple notification options and so on) as the current apps already do.

Are you specifically trying to use VERA’s own geofence? Do you know about or used the several other geofence apps?

Got the promised firmware upgrade on my Edge today, and I updated my VeraUI7 Android app. Geofencing (location) is now available in setting up Scenes, but only through the Android app (because it is geo-aware).

Any idea if this will be available on the iPhone anytime soon?

You can do this today with my iPhone locator plugin. V1.96 is compatible ui7 and gives you possibility to control housemode depending if the ( or several family ) iPhones are around. Nothing to install on the phone itself,59.0.html

You can do this today with my iPhone locator plugin. V1.96 is compatible ui7 and gives you possibility to control housemode depending if the ( or several family ) iPhones are around. Nothing to install on the phone itself,59.0.html

I tried the iPhone locator plugin because it supports multiple phone families. However I cannot have all my phones on the same iCloud account. Do you support the new ios8 family icloud setting yet?


[quote=“eroeberoe, post:11, topic:184497”]

You can do this today with my iPhone locator plugin. V1.96 is compatible ui7 and gives you possibility to control housemode depending if the ( or several family ) iPhones are around. Nothing to install on the phone itself,59.0.html

I tried the iPhone locator plugin because it supports multiple phone families. However I cannot have all my phones on the same iCloud account. Do you support the new ios8 family icloud setting yet?


Ping sensor might be a better Plugin for you.

[quote=“eroeberoe, post:11, topic:184497”]

You can do this today with my iPhone locator plugin. V1.96 is compatible ui7 and gives you possibility to control housemode depending if the ( or several family ) iPhones are around. Nothing to install on the phone itself,59.0.html

I tried the iPhone locator plugin because it supports multiple phone families. However I cannot have all my phones on the same iCloud account. Do you support the new ios8 family icloud setting yet?


You can create one instance of the iPhone locator pluging per iCloud account you have, then the iPhon locator will create a device per iDevices you have in its respective iCloud account. use the Create Another button on the UI7 App/Details/Iphone screen

I tried installing that plugin and cant figure out where to plug in my icloud info. it isn’t giving me a settings option for it (I have a new vera edge that apparently is on the newest version of the operating system)

I think I figured it out for an Android phone on UI7, and you also need to log on with a Windows laptop. Not sure if any of this stuff translates to a Mac & Iphone.

First, I went on my android phone, off of the home screen-dashboard, you click the right arrow > within the circle next to the “My Modes” line.

This will take you to a " Configure my preset Modes" menu where, at the bottom of the page, there is a GEO FENCES box.
Click “+ Add New Geo Fence” and it will take you to a map where you can find your location (if your GPS is enabled on your device) , set the radius size of where you would like the function to trip, give it a name, and you can also check the “This is my home” box, then click “ADD” I chose a 20 meter radius,(which changed to 50 meteres on my cell phone) with 100 meter accuracy (minimum setting) so that when I pull into or out of my driveway and to the end of the block, the functions requested should trip.

Then, go back to windows computer, login, go to your Dashboard, find the same > arrow next to your “My Modes” text, and it will again take you to the " Configure my preset Modes" window. Again, scroll all the way to bottom of page, where you need to select /check the boxes next to “Set House mode to HOME when at least one user is at home” and “Set House mode to AWAY when nobody is at home”, and then click the BACK button.

This should… change your dashboard mode from HOME to AWAY when you leave the Geo Fence radius, and set it from AWAY to HOME when you arrive into the geo fence radius. I also a scene to turn lamps on when I arrive into the geo fence. Other android devices can be added to your users and then after setting up their geo fence can also have the same functionality.

I did test it, getting into my car, and after making it about 1/2 block away, I did see my dashboard change from HOME to AWAY all by itself. after going around the block, coming inside and sitting down for about a minute, it FINALLY changed back to HOME and triggered my lights.

A little fine tuning is involved, but this is a GREAT automation feature, and it’a all within the VERA UI7 and Windows/Web software interface included with the system.

on my iphone if I scroll down I can select the house mode changes but doesn’t not offer a way to add a geofence. I set up a geofence with my iphone using the locator app (I reinstalled and it worked). but now here is my problem. so I have the door unlock when I get within a certain distance. now how do I get the door to stay locked after that? as technically I remain within the geofence. or is there a way to set it to only trigger when you first enter?

I assume you talk about IPhoneLocator app. assuming you use v1.98 you can:

  • set the check box on your iPhone device for “participate in housemode”. you can do so on several iPhoneLocator if you have more than one. once that is done, Housemode will set to “present” when one phone is at home and away when all phones are away. you can then trigger actions when the housemode changes using the Housemode plugin. since it is just a trigger, it will unlock the door but then if you manually lock the door it will stay locked

  • alternative using purely the IPhonelocator app is to use the “present” notification (instead of “distance”). set a trigger for “Phone is present” and you can unlock your door. that trigger will not fire again unless you go away a while and the Phone is detected away again. triggers (non repeat ones) trigger only when state has changed. Distance is not really good for such trigger since distance keep changing due to subbtle gps locations so it keep changing, especially at lua restart.

excellent. thank you =)

oy so tonight while sitting in my living room vera kept deciding id just arrived home and switching ti home and unlocking my door. id switch to a different mode. it would lock and then without moving it would decide i was home again and unlock

You geofence is set to small.