How to know wich user is firing a scene

Hi, is there a way to know which user is firing a scene via a remote app? Let’s say HomeBuddy, ImperiHome and all those. I want to get the username so I can send a VeraAlert to that specific user, but I don’t want to have 1 scene for each user because it will duplicate all my scenes.

Probably not.

When a smartphone app sends a command such as running a scene, it does so through the MCV FWD servers. The only identifier that is sent/logged on the Vera is the IP address(in the log) of the phone(or other device) that sent the command.

A programmer with some talent may be able to implement some sort of log watch that can catch the IP address and act accordingly. But, even this will be problematic as most smartphone IP addresses are either dynamic(changing frequently) or proxied, where multiple(thousands?) of smartphones share a single or multiple IP addresses.

Z-Waver, thanks for your answer. If it is through the FWD severs, AFAIK, the address, for example, to update PLTS Plugin, is:

So username is being sent, isn’t there a way to catch it??


It might be of use/interest but I recall HomeWave (iOS) seems to be able notify specific users -

No, that information is stripped from the request by the forwarding server at before your Vera sees it.

No, that information is stripped from the request by the forwarding server at before your Vera sees it.[/quote]Thanks futzle, that’s a shame, it would be really nice if you can catch it.