[How To] Include Z-Wave devices

As a first step for lay users, i though it usefull to create a How To on including devices.
Now i know/understand there are more ways than one and the page can be updated, but i would like some feedback on this first rough setup:


Let me know what you guys think

I usually just press the “Zwave” button on the back of Vera, and then activate the device to be included, a lot fewer steps. Press it again when you are done adding devices, then you can go and edit them, put them in rooms etc.


[quote=“mitch672, post:2, topic:168509”]I usually just press the “Zwave” button on the back of Vera, and then activate the device to be included, a lot fewer steps. Press it again when you are done adding devices, then you can go and edit them, put them in rooms etc.



True, and ill add that as “normal” operations.
I did hope this would provide a solution to those experiencing Vera refusing to go into learning mode.

Hoping for more feedback!

Better use the functionality in the dashboard, this way you can see what Vera is doing. and how she is handling the data.
If Vera does not accept you can immediately remove a device and try again.
By removing the device you also clear al settings.
