How to identify RFX receivers?

So I’m gradually upgrading my “old” Nexa setup, but I simply don’t have the time nor cash lying around to just do everything at once…Because of this I would like to continue to use my RFX light switches for now. The problem is - I cannot seem to find which is which! They all (?) show up in VeraLite, but I need to find some efficient way of telling them apart. Any tips on how to do that?


Switch one,
observe who changes,
relabel as desired,

[quote=“Z-Waver, post:2, topic:179655”]Switch one,
observe who changes,
relabel as desired,

If I don’t know which one to monitor in Vera, not much is going to happen. Except for it switching the light it’s been paired to. Which would be expected and exactly what it’s been doing for the last few months :wink: