How to get wattage to show on dimmers

I have several switches and dimmers from aeotec that report energy usage. I see that the switches power usage shows up, but the dimmers do not. No matter which widget I use. I there something simple I’m missing?

Hahaha these guys suck. I love their app (Pro) but I’ve emailed them a couple times with inquiries and they never reply. I still use authomationHD because I can poll devices and the aeotec dimmer plugin shows energy usage. Again I love Imperihome, but their customer service sucks. Your post was in November and no reply…

here try these attachments. I didn’t go through them all there are a bunch of parameters that you may have to configure. I don’t have the smart ones, but these should help. for sure you need to set 80=2, maybe 90=1?

Awesome, thanks for the reference pdfs. I recently installed some micro switches and had to add configuration settings in device options for instant status. I’m not sure if these would help for energy report in imperihome since authomationHD, Homewave, and ui5 shows wattage. I’ll definitely read these over though.

Well this is the MCV user forum, ImperiHome does not actively monitor this forum. They have a Google+ page that they are very active on.


I’ve gotten great support and they’ve implemented most of the suggestions that are posted there. As a beta member I’ve had access to changes that I requested in a matter of days.

Awesome I’ll look into it.