How to detect alarm trigger and cause of it

So I’ve had Vera integrated well with my DSC for a while now. If the alarm goes off, I get an SMS. But for the first time, the alarm went off and I realized the SMS doesn’t indicate the cause of the alarm trigger. But I am a bit stumped how to put together the pieces of this puzzle. Let’s say someone breaks in my forcing the door open, sets off the alarm and closes the door behind them. Since the alarm may be delayed, when the logic fires upon alarm being tripped, the source of the trip may have been restored to a closed position.

So how do y’all handle this? I realize PLEG is likely what I want to handle the multiple conditions, but I am unsure how it’s best done. I’m guessing there are multiple ways to deal with this, so I’m interested in inputs from anyone who has a good working solution. I’ve tried searching, but I can’t seem to find the right combination of words to find what I am looking for.

[quote=“johnfdl, post:1, topic:180020”]So I’ve had Vera integrated well with my DSC for a while now. If the alarm goes off, I get an SMS. But for the first time, the alarm went off and I realized the SMS doesn’t indicate the cause of the alarm trigger. But I am a bit stumped how to put together the pieces of this puzzle. Let’s say someone breaks in my forcing the door open, sets off the alarm and closes the door behind them. Since the alarm may be delayed, when the logic fires upon alarm being tripped, the source of the trip may have been restored to a closed position.

So how do y’all handle this? [/quote]

This is built into your alarm. If the perimeter is breached, even for milliseconds, it will start the alarm sequence. In this example, the only thing that will stop the alarm is entering the code at the keypad.

vera won’t participate in your alarm’s basic functions. It is just reporting what happened.

Building on this, if you have the zones moved over for vera to see, you can send a message if the alarm was armed and a sensor reported tripped.

Thank you for the response. So is the logic as simple as: Alarm is tripped AND zone 4 (which is my motion sensor) is tripped?

Which in more system terms is:
Partition 1: Alarm is active
Zone 4 is tripped

(shown in PLEG in screenshot)

I guess I figured the sensor which tripped the alarm might be in an untripped state when interrogated by the logic

Suppose someone breaks in through your front door, then closes the door. At that moment, the alarm is not yet active, waiting for the delay (this is why StayMode exists).

So, PLEG won’t see the AlarmIsActive and DoorIsOpen Condition

But, you have the AlarmIsActive sending you a message on its own, so you know he alarm is going off.

You could create other alerts but you will have to be zone specific to get the custom message:

SendFrontDoorBreakInPush = AlarmIsActive AND (FrontDoorIsOpen; Now<1:30)

returns true if the alarm is active and the front door was opened in the last 90 seconds

change 1:30 to match whatever your alarm delay is for the Front Door


OK, this helps tremendously. I feel embarrassed that I was able to accomplish all that I did and I was unable to figure this part out. I’ve coded the conditional logic in PLEG for one door and will test it this weekend when tripping the alarm won’t be as issue because I am the only one home.

I’m dredging up this thread and not starting a new one because it’s just too closely related to the question I have…

I want to use an existing alarm device property in a PLEG condition that is satisfied when the alarm is tripped. I just don’t know what the alarm state name is. And I don’t feel like tripping the alarm to figure it out. I will, if that’s the only option, but I was hoping someone could tell me whether this is the property state for a tripped alarm?

(p01_Alarm_State eq “AlarmActive”)

I know (p01_Alarm_State eq “Away”) works for Away, (p01_Alarm_State eq “Stay”) works for Stay, and (p01_Alarm_State eq “Night”) works for Night. I know NotReady is a valid state. I would just like confirmation on the tripped alarm state.


[quote=“DeltaNu1142, post:6, topic:180020”]I’m dredging up this thread and not starting a new one because it’s just too closely related to the question I have…

I want to use an existing alarm device property in a PLEG condition that is satisfied when the alarm is tripped. I just don’t know what the alarm state name is.[/quote]
The Wiki was helpful, but still doesn’t give me a state for active alarm. I ended up just adding a new trigger to PLEG.