how to define scene to fire once and then not fire for 15 mins? Motion probs..

Had a motion sensor give me a false alarm tonight. Event was ‘armed sensor is tripped’ (HSM100) Had it set to page me. Trouble is that it kept firing, so my phone is going crazy with vera pages until I could login remotely and disarm the sensor.

How can I ‘turn up the squelch’ on this so it can fire, but scene needs to rest a bit before screaming for help again.

Video of area shows no ‘people’ were there… no pets in house… maybe a mouse??? Anyone have an HSM100 get fooled by sun setting through windows? Battery at 99%. Temp in house 76 so no extremes there.

Sensor has been in place and behaving since January. Never a false alarm, just real motion when someone really went into the area.


You might be getting multiple messages for the same event. I think this comes from the Mios servers. I have a notification on a device turning on. It only turned on once, but I received 5 emails tonight. This has occurred before as well. I believe the HSM100 does not indicate motion repetitively. I believe that it detects motion once and will not change state until about 5 mins after the motion stops. (although this is a settable parameter on the HSM100).

i had 2 false alarm on the same day on 2 different sensors (different areas of house) after having none for a year and none since (it was a couple months back) wondered if it was something more with vera than the sensors since it was 2 diff ones but it never repeated so who knows

[quote=“Les F, post:1, topic:168470”]Had a motion sensor give me a false alarm tonight. Event was ‘armed sensor is tripped’ (HSM100) Had it set to page me. Trouble is that it kept firing, so my phone is going crazy with vera pages until I could login remotely and disarm the sensor.

How can I ‘turn up the squelch’ on this so it can fire, but scene needs to rest a bit before screaming for help again.

Video of area shows no ‘people’ were there… no pets in house… maybe a mouse??? Anyone have an HSM100 get fooled by sun setting through windows? Battery at 99%. Temp in house 76 so no extremes there.

Sensor has been in place and behaving since January. Never a false alarm, just real motion when someone really went into the area.


This sounds like a possible use for virtual device. Say it’s normally on. When your sensor triggers, if the virtual device is ON, you send an alert AND run a scene that turns your VD off and then after (your favorite amount of time here) turns it back on. Intervening triggers do nothing, because the VD is still off. Would take some Lua, but then, doesn’t everything?


Was your HSM-100 configured to Always Fire?