how to completely start over?

hi everyone,

i think that, after upgrading to ui5 and then vera 3, that it’s time for me to just blow EVERYTHING on my network away and start over completely from scratch, knowing what i know now about how to set up the system.

what’s the best way to do this? looks like resetting to factory defaults will still leave your z-wave devices in there and i want to be sure that i get a totally clean slate so that i can re-add my devices, pair my door lock properly, and then recreate all of my scenes again.

is there a guide to doing this somewhere? i haven’t been able to find such a thing…


Hi Reid –

This is probably a good place to start:



do i need to exclude any devices (like my secure door lock) before i do this? and re: the automatic nightly mios backup, is there anything i should be careful of there to be sure it knows this is a “new” vera and doesn’t get confused with my old settings?

just want to be sure i do it correctly so that i don’t “brick” one of my devices…

When you perform a factory reset, you’ll need to exclude all of your devices prior to including them back into your unit. The backups are associated with your Vera serial number. You do not need to worry about the backups unless you plan on restoring from a backup. Backups are performed I believe daily. So when you redo your unit, a backup of your fresh settings should get saved.

  • Garrett

[quote=“garrettwp, post:4, topic:172934”]When you perform a factory reset, you’ll need to exclude all of your devices prior to including them back into your unit. The backups are associated with your Vera serial number. You do not need to worry about the backups unless you plan on restoring from a backup. Backups are performed I believe daily. So when you redo your unit, a backup of your fresh settings should get saved.

  • Garrett[/quote]

Hi, dumb question but why? Does it have something to do with the device itself? EG: it remembers vera or ?? I am at the cross road of reset and this makes me curious.


If the factory reset also includes resetting the z-wave chip, you’ll need to exclude every device. That is because the devices are already paired and will not allow you to re-include into the z-wave network until excluded first.

  • Garrett