How to add additional camera to UI3

Does anyone know EXACTLY how to add a camera to UI3 if cameras are already installed?

I already have 3 Panasonic IP cameras, and would like to add a 4th. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to accomplish that.

Can anyone outline exactly how this is done?


just working from memory of previous posts but I believe you have to go to devices>plugins and install a new plugin for each camera you install, someone who has done it recently can probably give better directions

Like pgrover516, it’s been awhile since I installed my 4 cameras so I can’t recall EXACTLY, but I do remember having the same problem you’re having. It wasn’t intuitive to me. I THINK you just go to Devices > Cameras > Add device > UpnpDevFilename and enter your device such as “D_DigitalSecurityCamera1.xml”. Then it will show up and you can add the details. Maybe this isn’t the part you were having trouble with?

[quote=“TheGadgetGuy, post:1, topic:165584”]Does anyone know EXACTLY how to add a camera to UI2 if cameras are already installed?

I already have 3 Panasonic IP cameras, and would like to add a 4th. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to accomplish that.

Can anyone outline exactly how this is done?


Go to Devices >> Luup Plugins >> Install/Uninstall plugins; add Generic IP Camera


I made a mistake when creating this topic.

I am trying to add a camera to the new UI3, not UI2.

Any thoughts?


I am trying to do the same thing on UI3… I just bought a WVC80n, and have it setup in my network and can get pure jpeg images from http://ipx.x.x.x/img/video.mjpeg. I put all the info in the SETTINGS box, but there is no where to put login/password, and I am not aquiring an image via the dialogue box.

Is there something I am missing?


To install a new camera, you’ll have to create another instance for the camera plugin. In UI3, you click the MIOS toolbar from the bottom of the page, then the plugin and you will see the link to create another instance. After this is created, you have to set it up. We have added those 2 fields (username and password) to the firmware and it will be available with the next release.

@Blade: you cannot get into Vera motion jpeg to be displayed. You’ll have to locate the JPG string (URL) and enter it in the settings.

Hi All
Does anyone know if the new Linksys WVC80N camera works with vera 1 running 979.
Thanks Wayne

[quote=“mcvovidiu, post:7, topic:165584”]Hi,

To install a new camera, you’ll have to create another instance for the camera plugin. In UI3, you click the MIOS toolbar from the bottom of the page, then the plugin and you will see the link to create another instance. After this is created, you have to set it up. We have added those 2 fields (username and password) to the firmware and it will be available with the next release.

@Blade: you cannot get into Vera motion jpeg to be displayed. You’ll have to locate the JPG string (URL) and enter it in the settings.[/quote]

THanks for the reply… i guess I will need to do some searching on exactly what URL I will need to use in order to get the JPG string if the above is not what I need for the WVC-80n camera. Hopefully that with the above changes will get it working with UI3.\

UPDATE: it appears that http://x.x.x.x/img/snapshot.cgi provides the jpeg, and i placed this within the URL line within the device>advanced window, but it still is not appearing in the camera window.

after reaching some semblance of stability with Vera after a year+, I made the clearly foolish decision to upgrade to UI3. My bad.

I just spent 45 minutes trying to get my existing, previously fully working Panasonic IP (bought from MCV) camera to display. Read all the forum topics. No dice.

Tried to remove the Panasonic plugin (error message reads: “Empty response”. Helpful.

Tried the Developer setup. No camera added.

Went through the UI Wizard. No camera added.

Went through UI Wiz again. Camera added. Cannot control the camera, despite choosing the Pan/Tilt/Zoom. Error message: “ERROR. No implementation.” Helpful.

Went back to the MiOS Marketplace, Add Panasonic Camera. Result:
Command successful.
Plugin: 7
Title: Panasonic IP Camera with Pan/Tilt/Zoom
Version: 0.50
This plugin has created the following devices:

The camera’s OWN interface via ViewNetCam works flawlessly. Always has.

Really guys? When I can work up the stamina to do a factory reset, it’s bye-bye to UI3. A disaster of an interface.
