How much can Vera2 handle

Hi All,

I very recently upgraded to UI5…took a while to get use to it, but i’m persevering.

I’ve been adding a few new devices and playing around with the ‘apps’ section.

I now find that every time i need to make a change to a scene, add plugin etc etc, it takes 3-4 mins for the vera unit to accept the changes.

Firstly i get the ‘Unit Busy’ bar followed by a string of Lua startup notifications. It never took this long in UI4.

The more i play with it each night the longer it takes to complete the ‘save’/‘reload’, to the point where i end up having to re-boot the device every night.

After the reboot it does speed up a bit, but within an hour it gets slower again.

My Z-Wave network has as follows;

23 - Devices - (Mostly dimming switches, mini-motes, and a couple of motion sensors)

6 - Apps/Plugins - (Global Cache, Virtual ON/OFF, Foscam IP Camera, Vera Alerts, Weather App, Sonos Plugin)

17 - Scenes. - (Mostly of activating on/off of lights on time schedules)

So my long winded question is…is this too much for the Vera2 to handle??

Thoughts anyone?


It’s not too much. I’m on a Vera 2 with UI 5 and I have a lot more of everything than you list. My Vera is running just as well as it was on day 1, which is to say somewhat spotty but usually fairly well. I do use USB logging though. I didn’t always and didn’t have problems but am doing so now just in case. Sounds like something is not up to snuff with your Vera.

[quote=“junglewave, post:1, topic:174159”]Hi All,

I very recently upgraded to UI5…took a while to get use to it, but i’m persevering.

I’ve been adding a few new devices and playing around with the ‘apps’ section.

I now find that every time i need to make a change to a scene, add plugin etc etc, it takes 3-4 mins for the vera unit to accept the changes.

Firstly i get the ‘Unit Busy’ bar followed by a string of Lua startup notifications. It never took this long in UI4.

The more i play with it each night the longer it takes to complete the ‘save’/‘reload’, to the point where i end up having to re-boot the device every night.

After the reboot it does speed up a bit, but within an hour it gets slower again.

My Z-Wave network has as follows;

23 - Devices - (Mostly dimming switches, mini-motes, and a couple of motion sensors)

6 - Apps/Plugins - (Global Cache, Virtual ON/OFF, Foscam IP Camera, Vera Alerts, Weather App, Sonos Plugin)

17 - Scenes. - (Mostly of activating on/off of lights on time schedules)

So my long winded question is…is this too much for the Vera2 to handle??

Thoughts anyone?


Hi Junglewave,

I had something very similar to you and was getting close to throwing Vera 2 out the Window, however, cheap and simple fix, I powered the unti down and fitted a 2GB USB Drive (Kingston Data Traveller), its important to use a new one and then turned on USB Logging. Since doing this 5 months ago, I have only had to reboot once which is good and the performance seems to be better.

Give it a shot and let me know how you get on with it.

Many thanks,


Thanks for the advise guys.

I now put in an 8GB usb stick and it appears to be better. I’ll monitor over the next couple of days and see if it has made a difference.

Thanks all.

I did the same. FWIW, I think Vera creates a 512 MB partition on the stick, so you don’t get anything from a larger stick.

Once I got to around 50 or 60 devices, I moved on to Vera3.

I was always curious to see how my Vera 2 was performing as I added devices and plug-ins. I’ve just downloaded the new System Monitor plug-in by Chris and I think it going to be a very useful way of gauging how much capacity is left. I have to say I’m pleasantly surprised so far that it appears to have plenty of horsepower left…

Well, adding the usb stick has certainly fixed my issue, it’s been a couple of days now, and the Vera is remaning responsive without having to reboot every day.

I too have now added the System Monitor plugin and its clear that there are plenty of resources left so have nothing to worry about re: capacity.
Thanks for the tip.


Got the same problem and I’m now testing the same solution. First day, so far so good. Cheers!