How do you tell Vera3 what brightness to set a dimmable module to?

I have two Leviton Vizia VRP03-1LW dimmable modules in my current set up. One module is in the parlor and one is in the kitchen. When these two modules (lamps) turn on, I do not want them to go to full (100%) brightness. I want the parlor module (lamp) to go to 35% brightness and the kitchen lamp to go to 25% brightness. When creating my scenes with Vera3, I do not see any way to set the intensity level. Am I missing something obvious or is this a very important function/setting missing from Vera3?

Ron Bernier

If you are doing this from Advanced in a scene, use SetLoadLevelTarget and put in the number you want, i.e. 35. Otherwise, just find it under devices when editing the scene and move the slider to the desired percentage.

[quote=“Bernfrin, post:1, topic:172118”]I have two Leviton Vizia VRP03-1LW dimmable modules in my current set up. One module is in the parlor and one is in the kitchen. When these two modules (lamps) turn on, I do not want them to go to full (100%) brightness. I want the parlor module (lamp) to go to 35% brightness and the kitchen lamp to go to 25% brightness. When creating my scenes with Vera3, I do not see any way to set the intensity level. Am I missing something obvious or is this a very important function/setting missing from Vera3?

Ron Bernier[/quote]

Thank you for your reply. The Advanced setting is what I was looking for.