How do I " load the altsteon_cli program and get the cli prompt"?

I have all the altsteon files on veralite I believe. I have run altsteon and it looks like the PLM is working, only one instance of altsteon is running and I am ready to “load alsteon_cli” and then use the cli prompt to get some devices added, etc. How do I do that? I am using WinSCP and when I run alsteon_cli, it just hangs and I lose my host connection. No prompt comes up. Is there a WinSCP setting I need to use? Getting closer to getting altsteon working without working about UI just yet, which is what I am trying to do. Please help folks :slight_smile:

Ok, looks like it was just a WinSCP command prompt issue. Using PUTTY now and I get the command line and everything else. Makes a lot more sense when you can see everything. Trying to get 6 button controller up with altsteon_cli. Working on that now…

Ok, lots of progress now. I have successfully added 2 devices with altsteon_cli and the list looks like the attached. Now, where do I find the commands to control them through the altsteon_cli, and now I would love to work on the Vera UI. There does not appear to be any relevant UI to use on the Vera panel. See attached. You have to admit I have gotten a whole lot further along though :).

Ok this issue is closed. The main issue was that PUTTY does much better than WinSCP. I could not get the altsteon_cli commands to come up until I used PUTTY. I have now successfully used the altsteon_cli to fully control a FanLinc, the fan and the light. I still need help with getting the UI to work somehow on the VeraLite Micasa UI. I’ll search and see if this is answered anywhere, otherwise will open a topic on that piece. Getting closer every day to full resolution and then I should be able to help others troubleshoot… I ran into everything from adding a device being add_device not just add, to misspelling altsteon with alsteon, to PUTTY working while other terminal software does not.