How do I do this??

I want to be able to dim my lights in the living room to 60% at 10pm and 40% at 11pm? But if the living room lights are off then I just want to leave them off.

How do I do this??

The easiest way for a beginner is to create 2 Scenes:

The Event for #1 would be a Timer for 10pm whatever days you want, the Command would be to set the light level to 60%

The Event for #2 would be a Timer set for 11pm, Command to set the light level to 40%

Then you want a tiny bit of Luup Code, put in the Luup tab:

local deviceId = xx
local SID   = "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1"
local current_status = luup.variable_get(SID, "LoadLevelStatus", deviceId) or "0"
if (current_status=="0") then return false

Get your dimmer Device ID from your Dashboard and replace the “xx”. The SID and Variable name are typical for most dimmers but yours of course could be different - try the code as is first.

The code tests for your dimmer to be OFF and aborts the command if it is off. Put the same code in both scenes.

Feel free to post for clarifications and anyone else for corrections, of course.

Hope that helps,

Unfortunately, that was a spammer. One that uses a slightly more advanced technique than the pack, so I’ve de-activated their account, and removed the spam promotion links from it also so they’ll get no benefit. I’ve also disabled the other account they had (both from a .pk internet address)

Here’s a copy of the original note that they copied:

We’ve asked MCV’s team to add limits so that “newbies” wont be able to use footer links (or the other profile techniques used for link promotion)

I’ve left your response here, as it’s a valid response.

Wow, live and learn! Thanks guessed.

I notice the original post has an almost identical response to mine. Hope it worked for him.

[quote=“FlyBoyBob, post:2, topic:168165”]The easiest way for a beginner is to create 2 Scenes:

The Event for #1 would be a Timer for 10pm whatever days you want, the Command would be to set the light level to 60%

The Event for #2 would be a Timer set for 11pm, Command to set the light level to 40%

Then you want a tiny bit of Luup Code, put in the Luup tab:…

Hope that helps,

Bob, Thanks for the tip.

Will this work if the light is already off? ie. If I’m up passed 12 and need something down the hallway, can I click the light and have it go to only 50% brightness? At 8am the next morning, walk down the same hall and have it at 100% brightness?

[quote=“JamesM, post:5, topic:168165”]Bob, Thanks for the tip.

Will this work if the light is already off? ie. If I’m up passed 12 and need something down the hallway, can I click the light and have it go to only 50% brightness? At 8am the next morning, walk down the same hall and have it at 100% brightness?[/quote]

I’ve sold my Vera and moved on to a HomeTroller a while ago, where it is SOOOO much easier to do something like this, so my expertise on this has gone away.

I looked at the original thread (up two posts) and I think you can find your answer there.

Hope that helps,