How do I create a Home Buddy Widget?

I noticed that this guy creates a widget to initiate a scene in this video at 2:20:

I have a Galaxy S2 running Android 4.0.4 and I don’t have the same screens as him. I like the idea of launching a scene by a simple home screen press (without launching Home Buddy and then going to the scenes tab for another launch), but I don’t have Home Buddy as a widget when I try to create one.

Can anyone gimme the gist of how to do it??

It’s listed as a shortcut not a widget.

  • Garrett

Thanks for taking time to reply.

Yes I understand a shortcut can be created, but that simply launches the application; then I need to navigate to the scenes tab, open the right group, then execute the scene.

In the video, the guy is able to execute a scene without opening Home Buddy. I have two or three scenes that I use a lot and it would be nice to initiate them by a single press…

Am I misunderstanding the shortcut function on the Android platform?

It is not an app shortcut. Homebuddy exposes a home screen shortcut that allows you to select a scene. It should be found under the widget section and named Home Buddy. I see it under my widgets. My app AutHomationHD does the same thing.

  • Garrett