How can I capture multiple button pushes

I’d like to count multiple button pushes and then enable a scene dependent up the count. Does anyone have a snippet of LUA/LUUP code they are happy to share to get me started? Ive been trying but not getting anywhere fast.

Many thanks

[quote=“col8eral”]I’d like to count multiple button pushes and then enable a scene dependent up the count. Does anyone have a snippet of LUA/LUUP code they are happy to share to get me started? Ive been trying but not getting anywhere fast.

Many thanks[/quote]

First you have to have a switch that supports instant status. Otherwise Vera will not see all the events. Even with instant status you need to not switch faster than one on/off cycle per second.

You can use the PLEG multi-click operator as follows.

Switch @3 < 30

Which is true if the switch is turned on three times in 30 seconds.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

Thanks Richard

Can this be done in LUA / LUUP also?

The button I was thinking of is a Nodon Octan. I need to check if it supports instant status.