Apologies if this is a noob question. I have my homeseer floodlight motion sensor wired and working pretty well. My question is about changing the settings around how long the lights stay on and how sensitive the lux threshold is. I know ow to change these manually on the device but I assume and thought I read that this would be over ridden by the zwave configuration settings. Which and where are these settings in the Vera device configuration. Documentation states the thresholds,8-720 seconds for the length the light stays on and 30-200 for the lux threshold. Just don’t know where to enter them.
You put these in as parameters on the “Configuration Settings” section of the “Device Options” page for the device.
However, you likely need to go over the Homeseer forum boards and ask someone to post the Parameter settings for the device (they have a forum for Homeseer brand devices). Homeseer generally don’t publish the parameter info because their controllers knows the magic of their hardware and obscures what the parameter numbers are etc through their UI. So for non-Homeseer controllers like Vera, you need to ask what the parameter/config instructions are for the device or search arround for them. Often they are also published over on the Smart Things forums or else where.