homemade dvr

just set up a small xp rig that is running ispy (www.ispyconnect.com) dvr software and 1 wired network camera and 1 other camera connected via usb capture card. Using the server feature i have this then tied in with vera. its been running for a few days with no problems recording everything i need. The program is free but with other options to pay for, everything i’m doing is working without upgrading. Any questions please leave here and i’ll do my best to answer

Can you share a little more details like H/W, what software, what camera etc.
How did you integrate into vera?

I have just got FOSCAM FI8910W which i believe can be directly hooked into vera2, so why would i need ispy?


hey no problem
as of right now i’m running a windows xp rig with a usb video capture card that runs my one camera http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0014D06IS/ref=oh_o02_s00_i02_details
and using the ispy software with my other network camera i have my cameras now being recorded 24/7
also using the ispy i can can a server that can push the usb capture card out as a network camera that vera can pick up. The ispy will also let me use general usb cameras also

I am thinking about a setup like this and need to make sure I am understanding your setup. I currently have iSpy running to record and control my cameras. iSpy is a pretty good program to control the cameras for motion detection events and monitoring your cameras with lots of customization features and plays well with ip cameras or usb cameras. I really like iSpy but there are a few downsides. The biggest downside to iSpy is that to watch live video from your cameras you have to have a subscription to view the camera feed through their website. Also to get event (motion detection or sound) alerts via sms or email you have to have a subsription.

So basically what you are doing is using iSpy to monitor event alerts and record to the pc running iSpy. Integrating iSpy with vera allows you to view those camera feeds and recordings over the web without the iSpy subscription. Is this correct? Is it possible to control camera fuctions like zoom pan and tilt through the Vera?

I am really interested in an all in one setup where all camera functions can be controlled through one interface. It seems really redundant to have to run two different programs / devices to provide a complete camera monitoring and control solution.

Correct me if I am wrong but I don’t believe Vera3 is capable of this. Its seems like this should be part Vera’s scope. The Vera should be able to interface with cameras, control all camera functions, monitor alert events like motion or sound detection and record the camera feed to a NAS or home server and watch the live camera feed and recorded video from the network storage via the web.

If I am wrong in my assumptions of Vera’s capabilities or your setup please correct me. I do not yet own z-wave devices or a Vera and am trying to research if this can fulfill all of my needs. Thanks.

Just for info:

I am running Blue iris and you can controll that programm pretty good with vera. The programm costs almost nothing (50 dollars or so) and the support is excellent.
From blue iris to vera with a free small programm “wget”.
From vera to Blue iris with LUUP code.


I’m using ispy with my vera lite. It was a little difficult to get working initially, but after playing with it. I now have a fully functioning webcam integrated with vera. Below is the configuration I used:

Assuming you’ve already added the webcam/camera to ispy…

Add new IP device.
Select Manual
put in the url of the camera as seen in the ispy server under the camera added to ispy.
click next,
Don’t select anything from the drop down menu
Enter the same url from above:

Once the device has been added to vera I had to change the following under device settings:
Device type: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:DigitalSecurityCamera:1
Device file: D_DigitalSecurityCamera1.xml

i use this software [url=http://www.abelcam.com/en/]http://www.abelcam.com/en/[/url]
can even use your tv card stream to vera :slight_smile:
AbelCam Wiki - Use JPEG Streams