Hoe do you get vera support ?

Hi all,

Since I switched to VERA2, my whole stuff is not working anymore at home.
VERA1 worked perfectly. I never had an issue with it. Worked for over a year without a single problem.
I upgraded to VERA2, restored my configuration, and now everything works between 1AM and 3AM. Anytime else during the day, nothing works, or it’s random.

Ovidiu from tech support checked my z-wave network, and it worked. (We tried to add/remove modules). But once we tried to send a command to the modules, it did not work.

I am starting to believe that I might have a bad unit. I’ve sent about 5 tickets to the support with no answer.
How do I do to get a replacement unit, so I can put this out of the way ?
At this point, this box is totally useless in my house, and I’m @#%#@($*& pissed off.

Oh, and yeah … happy new year.

Since you say Ovidiu already checked your system I cant imagine that it’s a FW revision issue but out of curiosity, what version of UI4 are you running?


[quote=“simon templar, post:1, topic:167247”]Hi all,

Since I switched to VERA2, my whole stuff is not working anymore at home.
VERA1 worked perfectly. I never had an issue with it. Worked for over a year without a single problem.
I upgraded to VERA2, restored my configuration, and now everything works between 1AM and 3AM. Anytime else during the day, nothing works, or it’s random.

Ovidiu from tech support checked my z-wave network, and it worked. (We tried to add/remove modules). But once we tried to send a command to the modules, it did not work.

I am starting to believe that I might have a bad unit. I’ve sent about 5 tickets to the support with no answer.
How do I do to get a replacement unit, so I can put this out of the way ?
At this point, this box is totally useless in my house, and I’m @#%#@($*& pissed off.

Oh, and yeah … happy new year.[/quote]

i would definitely insist for a replacement and if still having the same problem, claim a refund. either stay with V1 or consider other brand. i myself is considering “homeseer”. just my 2 cents

If only they answered my queries…
I think I’m going with HomeSeer.
Just got to get reimbursed with vera, or put it on eBay.

[quote=“simon templar, post:1, topic:167247”]Hi all,

Since I switched to VERA2, my whole stuff is not working anymore at home.
VERA1 worked perfectly. I never had an issue with it. Worked for over a year without a single problem.
I upgraded to VERA2, restored my configuration[/quote]

I went to Vera2 and chose not to restore but exclude all my devices after saving the layout and then added them all back in. It took a while but Im sure if you do this you’ll be 100% fine.

Done that already.
Also changed my modules.
Same crap.

It just suck to pay that amount of money and have no support.