Help with Lightify tunable white lights

I currently have my Lightify tunable lights on a SmartThings hub, looking to move everything over to Vera.

From searching through the forums, it seems that support for the bulbs is in process, so I can wait if I have to. But all I do right now with the lights is have a smartapp that will set the temperature and brightness depending on the time of day, when a switch goes on. I have “ported” that over to lua and I think I can just attach the code to a scene and make it work.

The missing piece is how to set the color temperature and brightness via lua. In SmartThings, they have an api. Is there a way to communicate brightness and color temperature via zigbee in lua right now, and if so can someone point me in the right direction?

The missing peice is how to set CT… PERIOD…

The current firmware does not support the Zigbee clusters required to do color temperature (and color) changes…

Brightness can be controlled, as with any other “dimmer” device, with a call to the SetLoadLevelTarget UPnP action of the urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1 service for the target device.

Thank you for the answer, at least I know more now! :smiley:

I am really going to show my ignorance here…I noticed poking around in the different forums that the urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1 service is used for both z-wave and ZigBee devices. Is it the firmware that converts that into the z-wave/ZigBee command that goes to the actual device? It’s been a while since I monkeyed with the SmartThings coding, but seems like they had commands that went directly to the devices but I may be wrong there.

Hope that they are working on color temperature support for all the different bulbs…the idea of having the light warmer in the evening and cooler during the day seems to be gaining popularity.

Basically, yes…

The Z-Wave device exposes the SendData action that will allow sending arbitrary commands/data to a Z-wave device…

The Zigbee device does now expose an any (known) equivalent action.