HELP - Puppy yanked my Vera Plus off the table....

So, I have been going back and forth about my Vera Plus since I got it (at one point decided to bail) but decided I have it in hand, just push forward. Tonight I pulled out my 100’ cat6 and an extension cord and started adding devices (I’ll keep how dumb that actually is to myself). So in order to add my ENTIRE house (new house with new switches everywhere) I have to drag the box, cables and laptop all over the place, my new puppy thought this was a LOT of fun and has been tugging on…well…everything. I got up to remove and add a switch and he pulled the cord and yanked it off the table, cracking the case open like an egg. The network port seems to have broken loose and now won’t connect. I poked around in there and it looks like a loss (plus an alarming new rattle).

The problem/question:
Since it clearly hasn’t backed up yet, am I just out 4 hours of work?

[quote=“mbairhead, post:1, topic:193178”]So, I have been going back and forth about my Vera Plus since I got it (at one point decided to bail) but decided I have it in hand, just push forward. Tonight I pulled out my 100’ cat6 and an extension cord and started adding devices (I’ll keep how dumb that actually is to myself). So in order to add my ENTIRE house (new house with new switches everywhere) I have to drag the box, cables and laptop all over the place, my new puppy thought this was a LOT of fun and has been tugging on…well…everything. I got up to remove and add a switch and he pulled the cord and yanked it off the table, cracking the case open like an egg. The network port seems to have broken loose and now won’t connect. I poked around in there and it looks like a loss (plus an alarming new rattle).

The problem/question:
Since it clearly hasn’t backed up yet, am I just out 4 hours of work?[/quote]

I thought they fixed the wifi?

But sounds like you out alot more then 4 hours as your also stuck with a broken VERA (physically).

Also 95% of your devices you shouldn’t need move the vera around and it’s actually bad to do this while its trying to setup routing but yet it’s in a new location all the time. Door locks and other securty devices will need to be somewhat close but I have still added Kwikset door locks from a room or two over.

You might want to contact and see what they can do for you. Considering the cause of the damage it’s not really a warranty case but you never know. From what you are writing it sounds like a total loss.

Being blessed with several German Shedders enriching my life, I know how quickly an inquisitive playfull pup can inadvertently cause some major headaches.

admit it…you took a hammer to it out of frustration. :wink:

When I rebuilt my system (over 100 Z-Wave devices) a little over 30+ would NOT include from a distance more than a few feet.

The Vera UI7 UI is terrible for include/exclude. It would not be so bad if they had the option to START with the exclude an existing device option … Even if it has not been included in the current Vera!

If you are able to re-connect the Wifi Antennae and get connected you can save your existing work.
The Z-Wave should be ok … since it’s a separate module. Too bad the module was not installed in a socket.

Fixed the wifi? Not sure how this applies to adding z-wave devices (not being snarky, really don’t understand what you mean)

But sounds like you out alot more then 4 hours as your also stuck with a broken VERA (physically).
Sort of. I did (against my better judgement) order another Vera (they are SO cheap compared to other options) and decided I didn't have anything to lose so I busted out the soldering iron and got to work on the old one. I managed to save it, sort of. The network connection is spotty and it's really spotty when you move it too much BUT i did get a good back up!
Also 95% of your devices you shouldn't need move the vera around and it's actually bad to do this while its trying to setup routing but yet it's in a new location all the time. Door locks and other securty devices will need to be somewhat close but I have still added Kwikset door locks from a room or two over.
I literally have no idea how to do it any other way. The vast majority of my devices wouldn't join without having it near them. Also, it's how Vera says to do it.

Yep, a bunch of mine wouldn’t either. Heck, I have a few that won’t even up close.

The Vera UI7 UI is terrible for include/exclude. It would not be so bad if they had the option to START with the exclude an existing device option ... Even if it has not been included in the current Vera!
That is a really frustrating change to the UI, having to add a device to get it to go into remove is a HUGE waste of time and honestly causes Vera to take LONG pauses. I'm really not sure why this version is constantly pausing for so long, it can take 5 minutes after adding a device until it's ready to add the next. NONE of the older versions ever did that.
If you are able to re-connect the Wifi Antennae and get connected you can save your existing work. The Z-Wave should be ok ... since it's a separate module. Too bad the module was not installed in a socket.
I patched together the network port with a bit of solder and a piece or two of electrical tape. Not ideal but it gets me a solid backup.

Fixed the wifi? Not sure how this applies to adding z-wave devices (not being snarky, really don’t understand what you mean)

But sounds like you out alot more then 4 hours as your also stuck with a broken VERA (physically).
Sort of. I did (against my better judgement) order another Vera (they are SO cheap compared to other options) and decided I didn't have anything to lose so I busted out the soldering iron and got to work on the old one. I managed to save it, sort of. The network connection is spotty and it's really spotty when you move it too much BUT i did get a good back up!
Also 95% of your devices you shouldn't need move the vera around and it's actually bad to do this while its trying to setup routing but yet it's in a new location all the time. Door locks and other securty devices will need to be somewhat close but I have still added Kwikset door locks from a room or two over.
I literally have no idea how to do it any other way. The vast majority of my devices wouldn't join without having it near them. Also, it's how Vera says to do it.[/quote]

The point was you broke your LAN port right?Which is the way you connect vera to the local network or internet. If the wifi was fixed (like I thought it was) then VERA would not have to be wired threw that broken LAN (via an Ethernet cable) port but yet it could be connected to your network via WIFI like other veras with wifi. You would then not have to connect a 100ft Ethernet cord to your vera either since you guessed it WIFI works at more then 100ft. Also all your work of devices that have been added could then be backed up and restored to another vera if needed. Basically my comment was you have two options and if the wired port was broken to use the wifi or wireless side.