Help! Other Users and Controller Access = No Notifications

I sold my home, which included my Vera3 setup. I got everything switched over to the new owner, and the vera app and text messages come through on his phone like they are supposed too. Where I am having problems is with his wife’s ‘other user’ account. I added her under Other Users as a Basic User. After confirming her email and her phone for text message alerts, her phone does not get any notifications at all whenever an armed sensor is triggered. I have checked under Modes and both users are supposed to be notified.

Where I think the problem is, is when I Edit her user account, towards the way bottom underneath where you choose which type of account it is (Advanced, Basic, Notification-Only), there is a section called Controller Access. The controller is listed here. Every time I check the controller to give her access to it, and Save Settings, after backing out and coming back the controller is Unchecked. I can’t figure out how to keep it checked, giving her access to it which I’m assuming included the notification aspect of it.

What am I doing wrong or how do I correct this? I set up a new Vera Plus at my new home and my wife’s stays checked in that portion an she gets notifications as she is supposed too. So I’m hoping this is where the breakdown is, just not sure how to correct it.



Did you call support …
You should delete your old account and let the new owner register the Vera with there own account.

That’d what I did. I removed the controller from my account and registered a new account for them. Everything worked great and all the devices stayed and everything! I just can’t figure out why the additional users aren’t receiving their alerts!

I did email support, waiting for a reply…

Did you solve this? My “other users” also do not get alerts/notifications. No push notifications, no SMS, no emails.

I had this problem (other users do not get any notifications like sms, push or emails) and contacted support about it. They helped me find the solution. I had to log in as the other user on and go to User & Account Info > Notifications Settings to select what notifications should be sent.

Not obvious, but it worked for me.

[quote=“SMac, post:6, topic:193706”]I had this problem (other users do not get any notifications like sms, push or emails) and contacted support about it. They helped me find the solution. I had to log in as the other user on and go to User & Account Info > Notifications Settings to select what notifications should be sent.

Not obvious, but it worked for me.[/quote]

I believe this is what I did also. I also remember them using some sort of Walmart-brand type of smart phone, and when selecting which Carrier they use, had to choose Other or something along those lines. I’m thinking that might’ve had something to do with them not getting the text messages either. As soon as I set up my new VeraPlus and entered my wife into an Other User, she has received alerts without any problems. We have Verizon though. So maybe that’s part of the problem, which cell phone carrier?