Hello everyone! I’m new here and to Vera. I’m trying to set up what seems like to me should be a simple scene. Here is what I want to do:
A “Come Home” scene that does the following when activated:
Turn on HVAC.
If sunset (in other words – dark) turn on a set of lights. If not dark then don’t turn them on.
The part I am having problem with is the condition on the lights. While I can create a sunset scene and have it turn on the lights I don’t see how NOT do it when no one is home.
I read the Wiki pages on this that I could find, but all their examples did not cover this type of conditional logic.
Can anyone explain how that is done?
I feel real stupid about not being able to do that, particularly since I am a software developer, so you would think it should be easy to do, but there is some serious lack of documentation. Some of you mentioned a user manual. Is that the Wiki documentation or is there something else? All I got was a 4 page “Quick Start Guide”.