Help , no more local guy connection on my Vera lite

Hi everyone , I just needed to reset to default my Vera Lite . But looks not so easy …

This is what I did : connect my vera directly to my PC .
Open my browser and connect via GUI
Select : " reset to default "
Change my laptop Ip Address to 192.168.81.xx
Ping to Vera default IP : and this is ok
Try to connect via browser on the same IP but no way to enter vera
Try to go via SSH but my old credential are not working and I don’t have the default credential

So , it looks like my Vera is ready for rubbish … ( I really don’t understand why a so simple operation should become a nightmare )

Anyone could help before I put it inside the garbage can ?

Thanks a lot

I had the same.
I still could login via nd than change the Ip adress again, have you tried that?

If not contact vera support , on another similar issue they had my unit back up and running within a couple of hours.
